Girl Will Swear Office of Frank Deserted Between 12:05 and 12:10

Atlanta Constitution
Saturday, May 10th, 1913
Testimony Considered Important by Officers Because Frank at the Inquest Stated on Stand That He Did Not Leave Between Noon on Saturday and 12:25. When Quinn Came to See Him.
New Evidence, Just Submitted to Detective Department, Leads Chief Lanford to Believe That Mary Phagan Was Murdered in the Basement — Woman Says She Heard Screams on Saturday Afternoon.
A new and important witness has been found in the Mary Phagan murder mystery.
She is Monteen Stover, a girl of 14 years, a former employee of the pencil factory.
After already having attested to an affidavit now in possession of the solicitor general, she will testify before the grand jury that on the day of Mary Phagan's disappearance, she entered the pencil plant at 12:05 o'clock in the afternoon and found the office deserted.
Also, that she remained five minutes, during which time no one appeared. The building seemed empty of human occupants, she declares, and no sounds came from any part. Expecting to have found the superintendent, she says she went through both the outer and inner offices in search of Frank.
Testimony Important Declare Police.
The police say that this is valuable evidence because of the testimony of Frank at the inquest to the effect that he remained in his office throughout the time between 12 noon and the time at which Quinn arrived, 35 minutes after 12. Also, they recount his statement that Mary Phagan entered the building at 12:05, the time the Stover girl says she arrived.
The latter states she went to draw her pay envelope. She is positive of the time at which she appeared in the office, because she looked at the timeclock on the wall fronting the entrance to the outer office. She was anxious, she says, to ascertain if it was time to draw the pay for which she had come.
In telling of the value of the Stover girl's testimony, the police refer to Frank's testimony, which was recorded as follows:
"What time did Miss Hall, the stenographer, leave the office Saturday, April 26?"
"About 12 noon. I recollect the time because I heard the noon whistles blow."
"What did you do when she departed?"
"Started work on my books."
"Were you alone?"
"So far as I knew."
"Did anyone come in later?"
"Yes. Shortly after 12 o'clock, the little girl who was killed entered my office."
When Mary Phagan Reached Office.
"Can't you estimate the time?"
"Yes, it was about five minutes after twelve."
"How did you fix the time?"
"It seemed that late."
"What time do you say Lemmie Quinn arrived?"
"About 12:25 o'clock."
"Were you out of the office from the time the noon whistles blew until Quinn came?"
Monteen Stover was seen by a Constitution reporter last night at her home, 171 South Forsyth street. She is a daughter by first marriage of Mrs. Homer Edmondson, a boarding house keeper of that address.
She is now employed with a Whitehall street department store as salesgirl. The detectives discovered her last Saturday, when she came again to the pencil factory to draw the pay she had missed on the previous weekend.
As she and her mother entered the office, they were questioned by two officers who were stationed in the plant to procure whatever evidence they might find. Monteen told them of her visit on Memorial day, and gave them her name and address. Monday morning she was taken to the office of the solicitor general, where an affidavit was attested to.
Went to Factory To Get Her Pay.
"I went to the pencil factory that Saturday," she told the reporter, "to draw my pay. The front door and the door leading to the second floor were unlocked. The whole place was awfully quiet, and kinder scary as I went up the steps.
"The minute I got to the office floor I looked at the clock to see if it was time to draw my pay. I would have looked at it, anyhow, I suppose, as it was always customary for me to punch it the first thing upon entering the place to go to work.
"It was five minutes after twelve. I was sure Mr. Frank would be in his office, so I stepped in. He wasn't in the outer office, so I stepped into the inner one. He wasn't there, either. I thought he might have been somewhere around the building, so I waited. When he didn't show up in a few minutes, I went to the door and peered further down the floor among the machinery. I couldn't see him there.
"I stayed until the clock hand was pointing exactly to ten minutes after twelve. Then I went downstairs. The building was quiet and I couldn't hear a sound. I didn't see anybody. As I walked from the building out to the street I saw four young boys standing close to the entrance. When I first came into the place they were standing on the corner of Forsyth and Hunter streets. They were only young boys."
Detectives Wanted Testimony a Secret.
Mrs. Edmondson, Monteen's mother, said to the reporter:
"I regret it exceedingly that Monteen will have to testify in this case, but if it will help clear up the mystery I will be mighty glad. Also, I'm grieved that it will get in the newspapers. The solicitor and detectives seemed extremely anxious that her testimony be kept secret."
Monteen had worked at the pencil factory for a year. She spoke highly of the suspected superintendent, and said that he was as popular with his employees as any employer whom she had ever known. She did not know the Phagan girl, and said she had never even seen her.
After scouring the vicinity of Mapleton and Smyrna for miles around, the police have finally found the mysterious "girl in the red dress," who was reported to have visited the pencil factory with Mary Phagan at the time of her disappearance. She is Mrs. Nancy Caldwell, of 10 Gray street, a former companion of the [new paragraph started; misprint]
How Report Started.

The chief of police and two detectives, after an auto trip to Marietta, were informed she lived in Atlanta, and after examining her thoroughly, learned that she had not seen Mary Phagan since a year ago. The rumor of her association with Mary on Memorial day started in a store near Mapleton by a girl who is said to have asserted her knowledge of a girl who accompanied Mary to the pencil factory.
Before her marriage, Mrs. Caldwell was Miss Nancy Summerhill, who lived eight miles from Smyrna. She and the victim were intimate friends until 1912, when both moved to Atlanta. She was seen by a reporter for The Constitution late last night.
"No, I wasn't with Mary that Saturday," she said. "I wish I had been. I might be able to throw some light on the mystery. If I had gone with her to the factory building and had experienced all I am reported to have experienced, I'd have said so long ago."
Says She Heard Screams.
Evidence that Mary Phagan was murdered in the pencil factory basement in which her lifeless form was found, was submitted by Chief Lanford to Solicitor Hugh Dorsey Friday in the shape of an affidavit attested by a young woman pedestrian who passed the building at 4:30 o'clock the Saturday of the crime.
She testifies to this effect:
That at 4:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, April 26, as she passed the Forsyth street entrance to the National Pencil factory, she was attracted by shrill screams of a girl emanating, apparently, from the basement of the plant building. So tragic did the cries sound that she stopped. Three sharp, piercing screams came in succession, then died away as though having been stifled.
The deponent says that although her experience preyed depressingly on her mind, she did not consider it important enough to report to police authorities until she read of the Phagan murder. Her testimony has been in the hands of Chief Lanford since last Monday.
Believes Girl Was Alive.
This throws a new aspect on the mystery. The problem of the bloody hairs and stains found on the second floor confront the sleuths. It has heretofore been the accepted theory that the murder was committed in that part of the building. Chief Lanford, however, believes that the girl was still alive when her body was lowered to the cellar.
Neither Chief Lanford nor the solicitor would reveal the name of the woman. Her home is on Haynes street, but further than this they would tell nothing. This affidavit exists, though, the chief states positively, and will be delivered to the grand jury.
Many new developments arose Friday. With the case completely in its hands, the state busted itself throughout the day with examining 100 or more witnesses who were summoned to the office of Solicitor Dorsey.
Solicitor Dorsey announced Friday morning that he had obtained one of America's best detectives to assist him. He would not disclose the name, saying that the new detective would work secretly on the case. It is rumored that Detective Burns has been employed to conduct the investigation.
Many Detectives on Trail.
The entire staff of detectives at police headquarters, numbering thirty, is still engaged in running down every available clue. The Pinkertons and other private agencies continue at work on the mystery. No pains or expense are being spared.
The grand jury, according to Solicitor Dorsey, is likely to begin its investigation any time after Friday. It is thought its action will be taken next Monday. Shelby Smith, chairman of the Fulton county commission, in speaking of the solicitor's probe, said it would be through and exhaustive.
"No expense will be too great, no work too hard and exacting. We have instructed Solicitor Dorsey that he will be backed to the last ditch in the money to be spent. He has the sanction and support of the county board in every particular."
Newt Lee was interviewed for the second time by Solicitor Dorsey Friday afternoon. Mr. Dorsey would not discuss the lines along which the negro was quizzed.
The grand jury which has been empanelled for the present term is composed of many prominent and influential residents and business men. It is as follows:
L. H. Beck, foreman; F. P. H. Akers, R. R. Nash, Charles Heinz, H. G. Hubbard, John D. Wing, R. A. Redding, V. H. Kriegshaber, R. F. Sams, A. D. Adair, S. C. Glass, J. G. Bell, Cephas M. Brown, George A. Gershon, A. L. Guthman, Walker Dunson, W. L. Peroy, C. A. Cowles, Sol Benjamin, R. P. Bell, H. M. Beutell, W. A. Bosser and Albert Roylson.
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, April 28th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 29th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, April 29th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 27th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, April 30th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 24th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, August 1st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 14th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, August 2nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 11th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, August 3rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 8th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, August 4th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 5th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, August 5th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 2nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, August 6th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: January 30th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 10th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 14th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 11th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 11th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 13th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 6th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 16th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 1st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 18th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 27th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 19th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 24th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 20th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 21st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 23rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 14th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 24th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 11th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 25th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 8th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 26th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 27th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 2nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 28th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 27th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 29th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 24th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 30th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 20th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 31st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 17th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, July 4th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 25th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 10th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 24th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 11th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 21st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 12th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 18th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 13th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 15th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 14th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 12th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 15th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 9th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 16th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 7th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 17th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 4th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 18th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 1st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 19th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 29th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 1st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 20th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 20th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 26th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 21st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 23rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 22nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 20th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 23rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 17th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 24th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 14th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 25th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 11th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 28th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 4th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 2nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 17th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 3rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 14th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 4th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 11th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 5th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 8th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 6th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 5th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 7th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 2nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, June 8th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 29th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 11th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 21st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 12th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 18th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 13th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 15th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 14th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 12th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 15th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 9th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 16th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 6th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 17th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 3rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 18th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 31st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 19th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 28th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 20th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 25th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 21st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 22nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 22nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 19th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 23rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 16th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 24th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 13th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 25th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 10th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 26th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 7th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 27th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 5th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 28th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 1st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 29th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 29th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 2nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 18th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 30th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 26th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 31st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 23rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 3rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 15th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 4th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 12th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 5th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 9th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 6th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 6th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 6th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 5th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 7th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 3rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 8th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 30th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Constitution, May 1st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 21st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 23rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 15th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, April 29th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 26th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, April 30th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 23rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, August 1st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 13th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, August 2nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 10th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, August 3rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 7th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, August 4th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 4th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, August 5th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: July 15th, 2023] [Originally Added On: February 1st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, August 6th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: January 29th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, August 7th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: January 27th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 1, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 28th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 10th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 13th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 11th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 10th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 12th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 8th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 13th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 5th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 14th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 4th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 15th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 3rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 16th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 31st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 17th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 29th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 18th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 26th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 19th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 23rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 20th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 20th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 21st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 18th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 22nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 16th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 23rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 13th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 24th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 10th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 25th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 7th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 26th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 4th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 27th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 1st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 28th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 26th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 2nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 23rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 30th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 19th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 31st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 16th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 3rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 26th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 4th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 24th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 5th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 22nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 6th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 20th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 7th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 19th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 8th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 18th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, July 9th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 16th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 10th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 23rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 11th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 20th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 12th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 17th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 13th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 14th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 14th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 11th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 16th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 6th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 17th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 3rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 18th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 31st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 19th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 28th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 1st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 19th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 20th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 25th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 21st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 22nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 22nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 19th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 23rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 16th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 24th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 13th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 25th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 10th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 26th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 8th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 27th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 6th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 28th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 3rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 29th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 30th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 2nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 16th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 30th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 29th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 3rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 13th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 4th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 10th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 5th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 7th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 6th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 4th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 7th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 1st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 8th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 28th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, June 9th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 26th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 10th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 23rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 11th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 20th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 12th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 17th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 13th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 14th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 14th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 11th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 15th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 8th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 16th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 5th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 17th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 2nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 18th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 30th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 19th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 1st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 20th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 20th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 24th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 21st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 21st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 22nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 18th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 24th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 12th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 25th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 9th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 26th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 6th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 27th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 4th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 28th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 31st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 29th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 28th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 2nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 17th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 30th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 25th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 31st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 22nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 3rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 14th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 4th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 11th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 5th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 8th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 6th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 4th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 7th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 2nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 8th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 29th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Georgian, May 9th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 27th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, April 28th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 28th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, April 29th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan - Leo Max Frank, Factory Superintendent, Detained By Police [Last Updated On: September 27th, 2023] [Originally Added On: October 25th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, April 30th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 22nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, August 1st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 12th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, August 2nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 9th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, August 3rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 6th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, August 4th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 3rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, August 5th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: January 31st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, August 6th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: January 28th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 1, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 27th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 10th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 12th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 11th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 9th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 12th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 7th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 15th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 2nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 16th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 30th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 17th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 28th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 18th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 25th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 19th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 22nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 20th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 19th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 21st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 17th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 22nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 15th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 23rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 12th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 24th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: September 14th, 2023] [Originally Added On: March 9th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 25th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 6th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 26th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: March 3rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 27th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 28th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 28th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 25th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 29th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 22nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 29th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 21st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 30th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 18th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 31st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: February 15th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 4th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 23rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 5th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 21st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 8th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 17th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, July 9th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: April 15th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 10th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 22nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 11th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 19th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 12th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 16th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 13th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 13th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 14th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 10th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 15th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 8th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 16th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 5th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 17th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 2nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 18th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 30th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 19th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 27th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 1st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 18th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 20th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 24th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 21st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 21st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 22nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 18th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 23rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 15th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 24th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 12th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 25th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 9th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 26th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 7th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 27th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 5th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 28th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 2nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 2nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 15th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 3rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 12th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 4th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 9th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 5th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 6th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 6th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 3rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 7th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 30th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 8th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 27th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, June 9th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: June 25th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 10th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 22nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 11th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 19th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 12th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 16th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 13th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 13th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 14th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 10th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 15th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 7th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 16th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 4th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 17th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 1st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 18th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 29th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 19th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 26th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 1st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: September 14th, 2023] [Originally Added On: October 19th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 20th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 21st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 20th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 22nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 17th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 23rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 14th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 24th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 11th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 25th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 8th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 26th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 3rd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 27th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: August 2nd, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 28th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 30th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 29th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 27th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 2nd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 16th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 30th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 24th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 31st, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: July 21st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 3rd, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 13th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 4th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 10th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 5th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 7th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: October 1st, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 8th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 28th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 9th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 26th, 2021]
- You Are There: Atlanta Journal, May 9th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: September 25th, 2021]
- You Are There:Atlanta Georgian, June 29th, 1913 - Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: June 21st, 2022] [Originally Added On: May 1st, 2021]