
Below are newspaper articles about the Leo Frank case. They are in chronological order and come from the Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta Journal, New York Times and Washington Post. The Jeffersonian, a weekly newspaper from Thomas E. Watson based out of Thomson, Georgia, is also listed.

You can narrow the list down to one specific newspaper by clicking the newspaper name in the list below. You can also scroll directly to a particular month by clicking the respective month to the right of the desired year in the links below.

Newspapers by Name
Atlanta Constitution
Atlanta Georgian
Atlanta Journal
The Jeffersonian (under Documents)
New York Times
Washington Post

Newspapers by Month
1910: December

1913: April May June July August September October November December

1914: January February March April May June October November December

1915: January February April May June July August September October November

1916: February April September

1917: August

1919: January February June

1921: August

1922: March December

1929: February

1930: July August

1942: January

1943: December


December 1, 1910: Selig-Frank Wedding Announcement (Atlanta Journal)


April 28, 1913 to May 8, 1913: Full Newspapers (Atlanta Georgian)

April 28, 1913: Girl is Assaulted and then Murdered in Heart of Town (Atlanta Constitution)

April 28, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

April 28, 1913: Pretty Young Victim of Sunday's Atrocious Crime and the Building in Which She Met Her Death (Atlanta Constitution)

April 29, 1913: $1,000 Reward (Atlanta Constitution)

April 29, 1913: Held on Murder Charge in Mary Phagan Case (Atlanta Constitution)

April 29, 1913: I Am Not Guilty, Says John M. Gant (Atlanta Constitution)

April 29, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

April 29, 1913: Pinkertons Hired to Assist Police Probe the Murder of Mary Phagan (Atlanta Constitution)

April 29, 1913: Was Victim of Murder Lured Off on Joy Ride Before She Met Death? (Atlanta Constitution)

April 30, 1913: Did Murderers Plan Cremation? (Atlanta Constitution)

April 30, 1913: Murder Analyzed by Dr. M'Kelway (Atlanta Constitution)

April 30, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

April 30, 1913: While Hundreds Sob, Body of Mary Phagan Lowered Into Grave (Atlanta Constitution)

April 30, 1913: While Hunt Continues for Slayer of Mary Phagan, Marietta Mourns as Body is Lowered into Grave (Atlanta Constitution)

May 1, 1913: Frank Tried to Flirt With Murdered Girl, Says Her Boy Chum (Atlanta Constitution)

May 1, 1913: Newt Lee Tells His Story During Morning Session (Atlanta Constitution)

May 1, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 1, 1913: Pretty Young Sweetheart Comes to the Aid of Arthur Mullinax (Atlanta Constitution)

May 2, 1913: Frank and Lee Held in Tower, Others Released (Atlanta Constitution)

May 2, 1913: Frank Girls Going to Inquest (Atlanta Constitution)

May 2, 1913: Keep an Open Mind (Atlanta Constitution)

May 2, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 3, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 4, 1913: Impostors Busy in Sleuth Roles in Phagan Case (Atlanta Constitution)

May 4, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 4, 1913: The Case of Mary Phagan (Atlanta Constitution)

May 5, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 5, 1913: Sleuths Believe They Can Convict Phagan Murderer (Atlanta Constitution)

May 6, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 6, 1913: Pistol Toting is Condemned by Judge Ellis in His Charge (Atlanta Constitution)

May 6, 1913: Third Man Brought into Phagan Mystery by Frank's Evidence (Atlanta Constitution)

May 7, 1913: Officials Plan to Exhume Body of Victim Today (Atlanta Constitution)

May 7, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 8, 1913: Frank Will Take a Stand at Inquest (Atlanta Constitution)

May 8, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 8, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 8, 1913: Stains of Blood on Shirt Fresh, Says Dr. Smith (Atlanta Constitution)

May 9, 1913: Frank and Lee Ordered Held by Coroner's Jury for Mary Phagan Murder (Atlanta Constitution)

May 9, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 9, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 10, 1913: Factory Foreman Who Testified (Atlanta Constitution)

May 10, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 10, 1913: Girl Will Swear Office of Frank Deserted Between 12:05 and 12:10 (Atlanta Constitution)

May 10, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 11, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 11, 1913: Mystery of 14-Year-Old Mary Phagan's Tragic End Adds One to Long List of Atlanta's Unsolved Crimes (Atlanta Constitution)

May 11, 1913: Officer Swears He Found Frank With Young Girl (Atlanta Constitution)

May 11, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 12, 1913: Find Guilty Man, Frank's Lawyer Told Pinkertons (Atlanta Constitution)

May 12, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 12, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 12, 1913: The Phagan Case Day by Day (Atlanta Constitution)

May 13, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 13, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 13, 1913: Story From New York (Atlanta Constitution)

May 14, 1913: Clue is Sought in Handwriting of Mary Phagan (Atlanta Constitution)

May 14, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 14, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 14, 1913: Poem in Handwriting of Mary Phagan May Give Solicitor Clue to Murder (Atlanta Constitution)

May 15, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 15, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 15, 1913: Victim of Murder Prepared to Die, Believes Dorsey (Atlanta Constitution)

May 16, 1913: Constitution Starts Fund to Bring Burns Here to Solve the Mary Phagan Murder Mystery (Atlanta Constitution)

May 16, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 16, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 17, 1913: Bring Burns Here (Atlanta Constitution)

May 17, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 17, 1913: In Loop of Death, Dorsey May Have Clue to Murderer (Atlanta Constitution)

May 17, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 18, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 18, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 18, 1913: Three Arrests Expected Soon in Phagan Case (Atlanta Constitution)

May 19, 1913: Detectives Seek Clue in Writing of Negro Suspect (Atlanta Constitution)

May 19, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 19, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 20, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 20, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 20, 1913: Women Declare Phagan Murder Must be Solved (Atlanta Constitution)

May 21, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 21, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 21, 1913: Tobie is Studying Mary Phagan's Life (Atlanta Constitution)

May 22, 1913: Experts are Here on Finger Prints (Atlanta Constitution)

May 22, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 22, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 23, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 23, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 23, 1913: Rooming House Sought by Frank, Declares Woman (Atlanta Constitution)

May 24, 1913: Coleman Affidavit Which Police Say Felder Wanted (Atlanta Constitution)

May 24, 1913: Frank Not at Home Hours on Sunday, Declares Lanford (Atlanta Constitution)

May 24, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 24, 1913: Girl Strangled, Says Indictment (Atlanta Constitution)

May 24, 1913: Leading Figures in Charges of Bribery in Phagan Case (Atlanta Constitution)

May 24, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 25, 1913: 'Becker of South' Lanford is Branded by Col. Tom Felder (Atlanta Constitution)

May 25, 1913: Frank Indicted in Phagan Case (Atlanta Constitution)

May 25, 1913: Frank is Praised by John O. Parmele (Atlanta Constitution)

May 25, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 25, 1913: Others Will be Involved in New Bribery Charges Intimates Chief Lanford (Atlanta Constitution)

May 25, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 25, 1913: Savings of School Girls are Offered to Hunt for Murderer of Mary Phagan (Atlanta Constitution)

May 25, 1913: Thomas Felder Brands the Charges of Bribery Diabolical Conspiracy (Atlanta Constitution)

May 26, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 26, 1913: New Witnesses in Phagan Case Found by Police (Atlanta Constitution)

May 26, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 26, 1913: Thousands in Atlanta Living the Life of Mary Phagan's Murderer (Atlanta Constitution)

May 27, 1913: Burns Agency Quits the Phagan Case; Tobie Leaves Today (Atlanta Constitution)

May 27, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 27, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 28, 1913: Conley Reported to Admit Writing Notes Saturday (Atlanta Constitution)

May 28, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 28, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 29, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 29, 1913: Negro Sweeper Tells the Story of Murder Notes (Atlanta Constitution)

May 29, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 30, 1913: But One Thing is Proved in Mary Phagan Mystery (Atlanta Constitution)

May 30, 1913: Conley Says He Helped Frank Carry Body of Mary Phagan to Pencil Factory Cellar (Atlanta Constitution)

May 30, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 30, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

May 31, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

May 31, 1913: Mary Phagan's Murder Was Work of a Negro, Declares Leo M. Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

May 31, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 1, 1913: Conley is Removed from Fulton Tower at His Own Request (Atlanta Constitution)

June 1, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 1, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 2, 1913: Frank Asked Room to Conceal Body, Believes Lanford (Atlanta Constitution)

June 2, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 2, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 3, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 3, 1913: Grand Jury Calls for Thos. Felder and Police Heads (Atlanta Constitution)

June 3, 1913: Leo Frank's Cook Put Under Arrest (Atlanta Constitution)

June 3, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 4, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 4, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 4, 1913: Servant of Frank is Liberated After Long Examination (Atlanta Constitution)

June 5, 1913: Frank Wanted Gun to Take His Life, Says Negro Cook (Atlanta Constitution)

June 5, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 5, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 6, 1913: Dorsey Replies to the Charges of Mrs. Lucille Selig Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

June 6, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 6, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 7, 1913: Current in Effect on Day of Tragedy (Atlanta Constitution)

June 7, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 7, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 8, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 8, 1913: Mrs. Frank Writes About Phagan Case (Atlanta Constitution)

June 8, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 9, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 9, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 10, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 10, 1913: Leo Frank Reported Ready for His Trial (Atlanta Constitution)

June 10, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 11, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 11, 1913: Lanford Silent on Rosser's Card (Atlanta Constitution)

June 11, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 12, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 12, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 13, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 13, 1913: Negro Conley May Face Frank Today (Atlanta Constitution)

June 13, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 14, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 14, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 15, 1913: Detective Chief Tells Grand Jury of Third Degree (Atlanta Constitution)

June 15, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 15, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 16, 1913: Constitution Picture Will Figure in Trial (Atlanta Constitution)

June 16, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 16, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 17, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 17, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 18, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 18, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 18, 1913: Two New Witnesses Sought by Officers (Atlanta Constitution)

June 19, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 19, 1913: Mrs. Formby Here for Phagan Trial (Atlanta Constitution)

June 19, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 19, 1913: Reuben Arnold May Aid Frank's Defense in Big Murder Trial (Atlanta Constitution)

June 20, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 20, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 21, 1913: Postponement Likely in Leo Frank's Trial (Atlanta Constitution)

June 21, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 21, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 22, 1913: Frank Not Guilty of Phagan Murder, Declares Arnold (Atlanta Constitution)

June 22, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 22, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 23, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 23, 1913: Leo M. Frank's Trial June 30, Says Dorsey (Atlanta Constitution)

June 23, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 24, 1913: Frank's Trial Set for Next Monday (Atlanta Constitution)

June 24, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 24, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 25, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

June 25, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 25, 1913: Reported Hoke Smith May Aid Leo Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

June 25, 1913: Trial of Leo Frank Postponed by Judge (Atlanta Constitution)

June 26, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 27, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 28, 1913: Lanford and Felder Indicted for Libel (Atlanta Constitution)

June 28, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

June 29, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 1, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 2, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 3, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 4, 1913: Effort Will Be Made to Free Newt Lee (Atlanta Constitution)

July 4, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 5, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 7, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 8, 1913: Frank and Conley May Meet Today (Atlanta Constitution)

July 8, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 9, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 10, 1913: Mary Phagan's Pay Envelope is Found (Atlanta Constitution)

July 10, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 11, 1913: Jim Conley Not Right Man, Says Mincey (Atlanta Constitution)

July 11, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 12, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 13, 1913: Detective Harry Scott's Hunch- Thrilling Story of How it Secured James Conley's Confession (Atlanta Constitution)

July 15, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 16, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 17, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 18, 1913: Many Rumors Afloat Regarding Grand Jury (Atlanta Constitution)

July 18, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 19, 1913: Grand Jury Meets to Indict Conley (Atlanta Constitution)

July 19, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 19, 1913: Scott Believes Conley Innocent, Asserts Lanford (Atlanta Constitution)

July 20, 1913: Frank's Lawyers Score Dorsey for His Stand (Atlanta Constitution)

July 20, 1913: Grim Justice Pursues Mary Phagan's Slayer (Atlanta Constitution)

July 20, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 21, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 22, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 23, 1913: Bloody Club Lends New Clue to Mystery (Atlanta Constitution)

July 23, 1913: Give Right of Way to Case of Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

July 23, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 24, 1913: Conley and Lee Meet in Tower (Atlanta Constitution)

July 24, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 25, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 25, 1913: Venireman Drawn for Frank Trial (Atlanta Constitution)

July 26, 1913: Frank’s Lawyers Ready for Trial (Atlanta Constitution)

July 26, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 27, 1913: How Detectives Trailed Clues in Phagan Murder Case (Atlanta Constitution)

July 27, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 27, 1913: Phagan Trial Will Be Great Legal Battle (Atlanta Constitution)

July 27, 1913: Scott is Summoned by Frank's Lawyer (Atlanta Constitution)

July 28, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

July 28, 1913: Jurors in Leo M. Frank Case Must Answer Four Questions (Atlanta Constitution)

July 28, 1913: Leo Frank's Trial on Murder Charge Booked for Today (Atlanta Constitution)

July 28, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 29, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

July 29, 1913: Numerous Witnesses Called in Frank Case (Atlanta Constitution)

July 29, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 29, 1913: Trial of Leo M. Frank on Charge of Murder Begins, Mrs. Coleman, George Epps and Newt Lee on Stand (Atlanta Constitution)

July 29, 1913: Unusual Interest Centers in Mrs. Frank's Appearance (Atlanta Constitution)

July 29, 1913: Will Leo Frank's Lawyers Put Any Evidence Before the Jury? (Atlanta Constitution)

July 30, 1913: Lee, Dull and Ignorant, Calm Under Gruelling Cross Fire (Atlanta Constitution)

July 30, 1913: Members of Mary Phagan's Family who are Attending Frank Trial (Atlanta Constitution)

July 30, 1913: Mother and Daughter in Tears as Clothing of Mary Phagan is Exhibited in Courtroom (Atlanta Constitution)

July 30, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

July 30, 1913: Sergeant Dobbs Resumes Stand at Tuesday Afternoon Session (Atlanta Constitution)

July 30, 1913: The Defense Center of the Trial of Leo M. Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

July 30, 1913: Three Witnesses Describe Finding Mary Phagan's Body (Atlanta Constitution)

July 31, 1913: Bearing of Black and Lee Forms a Study in Contrast (Atlanta Constitution)

July 31, 1913: Daintily Dressed Girl Tells of Daily Routine of Factory (Atlanta Constitution)

July 31, 1913: Defense Riddles John Black's Testimony (Atlanta Constitution)

July 31, 1913: Detective Black Muddled by Keen Cross Examination of Attorneys for Defense (Atlanta Constitution)

July 31, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

July 31, 1913: Gantt, Once Phagan Suspect, On Stand Wednesday Afternoon (Atlanta Constitution)

July 31, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 1, 1913: Acquitted in the Same Court, She Believes Frank is Innocent (Atlanta Constitution)

August 1, 1913: Attorneys for Both Sides Riled by Scott's Testimony; Replies Cause Lively Tilts (Atlanta Constitution)

August 1, 1913: Finding of Hair and Envelope Described by Machinist (Atlanta Constitution)

August 1, 1913: Frank's Presence in Office at Time He Says He was There is Denied by Girl on Stand (Atlanta Constitution)

August 1, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 1, 1913: Haslett Describes Visit to Home of Leo Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

August 1, 1913: Holloway Denies Affidavit He Signed for Solicitor (Atlanta Constitution)

August 1, 1913: Leo Frank Innocent, Says Mrs. Appelbaum (Atlanta Constitution)

August 1, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 1, 1913: Spots Were Large as Fan, Declares Woman Who Saw Them (Atlanta Constitution)

August 1, 1913: William Gheesling, Embalmer, Tells of Wounds on Girl's Body (Atlanta Constitution)

August 2, 1913: Frequent and Angry Clashes Between Attorneys Mark the Hearing of Darley's Testimony (Atlanta Constitution)

August 2, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 2, 1913: Humor Pathos Tragedy (Atlanta Constitution)

August 2, 1913: Mary Phagan Murdered Within Hour After Dinner (Atlanta Constitution)

August 2, 1913: Negro Lurking in Factory Seen by Wife of Employee (Atlanta Constitution)

August 2, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 2, 1913: Startling Statements Made During Testimony of Dr. Harris (Atlanta Constitution)

August 2, 1913: Stenographer Parry Identifies Notes Taken at Phagan Inquest; Women and Girls Thronging Court for Trial of Leo Frank; Gay Febuary Tells Frank Jury About Statement Prisoner Made (Atlanta Constitution)

August 3, 1913: Condition of Girl's Body Described by Dr. J. W. Hurt (Atlanta Constitution)

August 3, 1913: Defense Will Use Many Witnesses (Atlanta Constitution)

August 3, 1913: Fixing Hour of Girl's Death Through Aid of Modern Science the Prosecution's Greatest Aid (Atlanta Constitution)

August 3, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 3, 1913: Girl Asked for Mary Phagan's Pay but was Refused by Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

August 3, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 3, 1913: Resume of Week's Evidence Shows Little Progress Made (Atlanta Constitution)

August 4, 1913: Frank on Stand Wednesday Week (Atlanta Constitution)

August 4, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 4, 1913: Leo Frank's Trial is Attracting Universal Interest in Georgia (Atlanta Constitution)

August 4, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 5, 1913: Amazing Testimony of Conley Marks Crucial Point of Trial, Says Frank Admitted Crime (Atlanta Constitution)

August 5, 1913: Conley Grilled Five Hours by Luther Rosser (Atlanta Constitution)

August 5, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 5, 1913: Gheesling Furnishes His Formula to Jury (Atlanta Constitution)

August 5, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 5, 1913: Says Employer Slew Girl (New York Times)

August 6, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 6, 1913: Mincey Affidavit is Denied (Atlanta Constitution)

August 6, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 6, 1913: Women are Playing Big Part in Trial of Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

August 7, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 7, 1913: Judge's Decision Admits Conley Testimony in Full (Atlanta Constitution)

August 7, 1913: Mary Phagan was Strangled, Declares Dr. H. F. Harris (Atlanta Constitution)

August 7, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 7, 1913: Spontaneous Applause Greets Dorsey's Victory (Atlanta Constitution)

August 7, 1913: Unable to Shake Conley's Story, Rosser Ends Cross-Examination (Atlanta Constitution)

August 8, 1913: Dorsey Forces Childs to Admit Certain Portions of His Testimony Could Not be Considered Expert (Atlanta Constitution)

August 8, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 8, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 8, 1913: Rosser Swears Bludgeon was Not in Factory Day After Murder (Atlanta Constitution)

August 8, 1913: Will Defense Put Character of Leo Frank Before Jury? (Atlanta Constitution)

August 9, 1913: Conductor Also Swears Epps Boy Was Not on Car with Mary Phagan (Atlanta Constitution)

August 9, 1913: Defense Will Seek to Show That Mary Phagan's Body Was Tossed Down a Chute in Rear of Pencil Factory and Not Taken Down by Elevator as the State Insists (Atlanta Constitution)

August 9, 1913: Epps Boy not with Mary Phagan, Declares Street Car Motorman (Atlanta Constitution)

August 9, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 9, 1913: Hopkins Woman Denies Charges Made by Dalton and Jim Conley; is Forced to Admit Untruths (Atlanta Constitution)

August 9, 1913: Model of Factory Attacked by Solicitor (Atlanta Constitution)

August 9, 1913: N. V. Darley Denies Testimony Given by Conley and Dalton (Atlanta Constitution)

August 9, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 9, 1913: She Denies Charges Made by Dalton and by Conley (Atlanta Constitution)

August 10, 1913: Defense Will Renew Attack Upon Dr. Harris' Testimony (Atlanta Constitution)

August 10, 1913: Epps Boy Denies Trying to Avoid Being Called to the Stand Again (Atlanta Constitution)

August 10, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 10, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 10, 1913: Reporter Makes Denial of Charge that Reports have been Flavored (Atlanta Constitution)

August 10, 1913: Schiff Put on Stand to Refute Conley and Dalton Testimony (Atlanta Constitution)

August 10, 1913: Schiff Testimony Contradicts That Given by Dalton and Negro Conley (Atlanta Constitution)

August 10, 1913: Startling Testimony of Conley Feature of Trial's Second Week (Atlanta Constitution)

August 11, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 11, 1913: Murder Evidence May be Concluded by Next Saturday (Atlanta Constitution)

August 11, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 12, 1913: As the Very Wildest of Guessing, Dr. Westmoreland Characterizes Testimony Given by Dr. Harris (Atlanta Constitution)

August 12, 1913: Defense Has the Best Day Since Trial of Frank Began (Atlanta Constitution)

August 12, 1913: Expert Flatly Contradicts the Testimony of Dr. Harris (Atlanta Constitution)

August 12, 1913: Frank's Financial Sheet Would Take 3 Hours' Work to Finish (Atlanta Constitution)

August 12, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 12, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 12, 1913: Schiff Admits he Kept Conley Knowing he was Worthless (Atlanta Constitution)

August 13, 1913: Campbell Told by Mrs. White of Negro Lurking in Factory (Atlanta Constitution)

August 13, 1913: Dalton Recalled by Defense, Admits Having Served on Gang (Atlanta Constitution)

August 13, 1913: Facing the Jury, Frank Asserts His Innocence of Mary Phagan's Death (Atlanta Journal)

August 13, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 13, 1913: Many Witnesses Take the Stand to Refute Points of Prosecution (Atlanta Constitution)

August 13, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 13, 1913: Testimony of Helen Ferguson Refuted by Magnolia Kennedy (Atlanta Constitution)

August 13, 1913: Women on Stand Deny Statements Made About Them by Dalton (Atlanta Constitution)

August 14, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 14, 1913: Lively Tilts Mark the Hearing of Testimony of Dr. Kendrick (Atlanta Constitution)

August 14, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 14, 1913: Quinn Intimates that Spots May Have Been on Floor for Months (Atlanta Constitution)

August 14, 1913: Surprise Sprung by Introduction of Character Witnesses by Defense (Atlanta Constitution)

August 15, 1913: Character of Frank Good, So Many Witnesses Declare (Atlanta Constitution)

August 15, 1913: Frank Not Nervous on Night of Murder, Says Mrs. Ursenbach (Atlanta Constitution)

August 15, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 15, 1913: Lawyers Appear Very Interested in Raincoat Lent to Leo M. Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

August 15, 1913: Many Men Swear to Good Character of Superintendent of Pencil Factory (Atlanta Constitution)

August 15, 1913: Mother-in-Law of Frank Denies Charges in Cook's Affidavit (Atlanta Constitution)

August 15, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 16, 1913: Dorsey Questions Witness About Alleged Fund for Frank's Defense (Atlanta Constitution)

August 16, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 16, 1913: Leo Frank Innocent, Said Conley, According to a Girl Operator (Atlanta Constitution)

August 16, 1913: Miss Mary Perk Tells Jurymen She Believes Conley is Guilty (Atlanta Constitution)

August 16, 1913: Mother of Frank Takes Stand to Identify Letter Son Wrote (Atlanta Constitution)

August 16, 1913: Mrs. Rae Frank Goes on Stand in Defense of Her Son (Atlanta Constitution)

August 16, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 16, 1913: Still Another Office Boy Swears He Never Saw Women With Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

August 17, 1913: Frank to Tell His Own Story Monday Afternoon to Jury Which Will Decide His Fate (Atlanta Constitution)

August 17, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 17, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 17, 1913: Prisoners' Mother Questioned as to Wealth of Frank Family (Atlanta Constitution)

August 17, 1913: That Pinkertons Double-Crossed Police, Dorsey Tries to Prove (Atlanta Constitution)

August 18, 1913: Frank May Tell Story to Jury on Stand Today (Atlanta Constitution)

August 18, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 18, 1913: Mary Phagan's Grandmother Dies After Dreaming Girl was Living (Atlanta Constitution)

August 18, 1913: Men on Frank Jury Must Be Some Mighty Good Husbands, Asserts the Deputy in Charge (Atlanta Constitution)

August 18, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 19, 1913: Books and Papers Put in Evidence by the Defense (Atlanta Constitution)

August 19, 1913: Climax of Trial Reached When Frank Faced Jury (Atlanta Constitution)

August 19, 1913: Frank Ends Statement After Testifying Four Hours (Atlanta Constitution)

August 19, 1913: Frank's Character is Testified to by Long List of Girls (Atlanta Constitution)

August 19, 1913: Harlee Branch Tells of Conley Pantomine (Atlanta Constitution)

August 19, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 19, 1913: Mrs. Wardlaw Denies Ever Seeing Frank on Car with Little Girl (Atlanta Constitution)

August 19, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 20, 1913: Clashes Between Lawyers Mark Effort to Impeach Negro Cook (Atlanta Constitution)

August 20, 1913: Denies He Said He Was Willing to Lead Party to Lynch Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

August 20, 1913: Dr. Clarence Johnson is Called to Corroborate Dr. Roy Harris (Atlanta Constitution)

August 20, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 20, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 20, 1913: Saw Mary Phagan on Her Way to Pencil Factory, Says McCoy (Atlanta Constitution)

August 20, 1913: Sideboard in Leo Frank's Home Moved, Asserts Husband of Cook (Atlanta Constitution)

August 20, 1913: State is Hard Hit by Judge's Ruling Barring Evidence Attacking Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

August 20, 1913: State Suffers a Severe Blow When Testimony is Ruled Out (Atlanta Constitution)

August 20, 1913: Witness Swears He Saw Frank Forcing Unwelcome Attentions Upon the Little Phagan Girl (Atlanta Constitution)

August 21, 1913: Frank Hooper Opens Argument in Leo Frank Case This Morning (Atlanta Constitution)

August 21, 1913: Frank's Character Bad, Declare Many Women and Girls on Stand (Atlanta Constitution)

August 21, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 21, 1913: Girls Testify to Seeing Frank Enter Dressing Room With Woman (Atlanta Constitution)

August 21, 1913: Girls Testify to Seeing Frank Talking to Little Mary Phagan With His Hands on Her Person (Atlanta Constitution)

August 21, 1913: Leo Frank Takes Stand Again Despite Objection of Dorsey (Atlanta Constitution)

August 21, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 21, 1913: Railway Employee Swears Car Reached Center of City at 12:03 (Atlanta Constitution)

August 21, 1913: Starnes Tells How Affidavit from Negro Cook was Secured (Atlanta Constitution)

August 21, 1913: Swears that Frank Prepared Sheets in Less Than 2 Hours (Atlanta Constitution)

August 21, 1913: Testimony of Dr. Harris Upheld by Noted Stomach Specialists (Atlanta Constitution)

August 21, 1913: Testimony of Hollis Assailed by Witness (Atlanta Constitution)

August 22, 1913: Arnold Ridicules Plot Alleged by Prosecution and Attacks the Methods Used by Detective (Atlanta Constitution)

August 22, 1913: Chronological Table of Frank's Actions on Day of Murder (Atlanta Constitution)

August 22, 1913: Frank Case May Go to Jury Late This Afternoon (Atlanta Constitution)

August 22, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 22, 1913: In Dramatic Phrases, Hooper Outlines Events Leading Up to and Following Death of Girl (Atlanta Constitution)

August 22, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 23, 1913: Dorsey's Brilliant Address Attacking Leo Frank is Stopped by Adjournment of Court Friday (Atlanta Constitution)

August 23, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 23, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 23, 1913: Rosser Makes Great Speech for the Defense; Scores Detectives and Criticizes the Solicitor (Atlanta Constitution)

August 24, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 24, 1913: Many Records are Badly Broken by State's Most Expensive Trial (Atlanta Constitution)

August 24, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 24, 1913: Solicitor Reasserts His Conviction of Bad Character and Guilt of Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

August 25, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 25, 1913: Leo Frank's Fate May be Decided by Monday Night (Atlanta Constitution)

August 25, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 26, 1913: As Bells Tolled, Dorsey Closed Magnificent Argument Which Fastened Crime on Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

August 26, 1913: Frank Convicted, Asserts Innocence (Atlanta Constitution)

August 26, 1913: Frank Sentenced to Hang October 10 (Atlanta Journal)

August 26, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 26, 1913: Glad and Relieved Trial is Over; No Doubt of Leo Frank's Guilt (Atlanta Constitution)

August 26, 1913: Guilty, Declares Jury (Atlanta Constitution)

August 26, 1913: Here is the Chronological Order of Final Day of Frank's Trial (Atlanta Constitution)

August 26, 1913: Leo Frank Received Fair Trial, Declares Chief Newport Lanford (Atlanta Constitution)

August 26, 1913: Mary Phagan, the Victim (Atlanta Constitution)

August 26, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 27, 1913: Frank Sentenced on Murder Charge; to Hang Oct. 10 (Atlanta Constitution)

August 27, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 27, 1913: Hugh Dorsey's Great Speech Feature of the Frank Trial (Atlanta Constitution)

August 27, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 28, 1913: Cell of Leo M. Frank Now Like Living Room (Atlanta Constitution)

August 28, 1913: Full Newspaper (Atlanta Georgian)

August 29, 1913: Leo M. Frank to Make No Public Statement (Atlanta Constitution)

August 30, 1913: Partial Newspaper (Atlanta Journal)

August 31, 1913: Graduates of Cornell Will Aid Leo M. Frank in Fight for Life (Atlanta Constitution)

September 4, 1913: Frank Trial Bills are Ordered Paid (Atlanta Constitution)

September 9, 1913: Will Rear Monument to Little Mary Phagan (Atlanta Constitution)

September 10, 1913: Jim Conley Indicted by Jury on Tuesday (Atlanta Constitution)

September 24, 1913: Leo Frank Again Made President of B'nai B'rith (Atlanta Constitution)

September 26, 1913: Did Not Discuss Guilt of Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

September 28, 1913: Grief of Mrs. Coleman is a Pitiful Sight (Atlanta Constitution)

September 30, 1913: Speculation is Rife as to Who'll Hear Leo Frank's Motion (Atlanta Constitution)

October 3, 1913: May Use Jurors to Deny Charges (Atlanta Constitution)

October 5, 1913: A. H. Henslee May Establish Alibi (Atlanta Constitution)

October 6, 1913: Sparta Citizens Insist Henslee was Prejudiced (Atlanta Constitution)

October 7, 1913: Henslee Answers Sparta Citizens (Atlanta Constitution)

October 14, 1913: Dorsey Expected Back in Atlanta Wednesday (Atlanta Constitution)

October 16, 1913: Dorsey Will Request Postponement Again (Atlanta Constitution)

October 18, 1913: Criminal Court Will Convene Monday Week (Atlanta Constitution)

October 20, 1913: Bodeker Keeps Counsel (Atlanta Constitution)

October 20, 1913: Locked Doors Guard Witness Who Declares Frank Innocent, Detectives Keep All-Night Vigil in Order to Arrest Him (Atlanta Constitution)

October 21, 1913: J. C. Shirley Ready to Account for Movements on Murder Day (Atlanta Constitution)

October 21, 1913: Murder Witness Arrested on Libel Charge (Atlanta Constitution)

October 24, 1913: Proof of Charges Will Mean a New Trial, Says Court (Atlanta Constitution)

October 25, 1913: Jury Loaned Ears to Ravings of Mob, Says Rube Arnold (Atlanta Constitution)

October 27, 1913: Arnold to Resume His Speech Today (Atlanta Constitution)

October 30, 1913: Retrial Hearing for Leo M. Frank Comes to Close (Atlanta Constitution)

November 2, 1913: Leo Frank Appeals to Supreme Court (Atlanta Constitution)

November 6, 1913: Dorsey Spent $1145.39 in the Leo Frank Case (Atlanta Constitution)

November 10, 1913: The Frank Case (Atlanta Constitution)

November 14, 1913: Trial of Jim Conley Postponed to Monday (Atlanta Constitution)

November 26, 1913: Conley Will be Tried During January Term (Atlanta Constitution)

December 7, 1913: Frank Case Will be Argued Dec. 15 (Atlanta Constitution)

December 17, 1913: Leo Frank's Fate Now Rests With High Tribunal (Atlanta Constitution)

December 25, 1913: Laboring Folk of Griffin Send Dorsey X-mas Present (Atlanta Constitution)


January 1, 1914: Good Luck Marked 1913 Giving Knockout Blow to Prophets of Disaster (Atlanta Constitution)

January 1, 1914: Gunman and Thug Busy During Year 1913 (Atlanta Constitution)

January 5, 1914: Case Against Fisher is Set for Wednesday (Atlanta Constitution)

January 8, 1914: Frank Attorneys File Supplemental Brief (Atlanta Constitution)

January 9, 1914: Fisher Freed on Murder Charge (Atlanta Constitution)

January 15, 1914: Dorsey Will Not Reply to Latest Frank Brief (Atlanta Constitution)

February 1, 1914: Court Takes Recess, Case of Jim Conley is Set for February 23, 1914 (Atlanta Constitution)

February 18, 1914: Leo M. Frank Has Not Lost All Hope; Counsel Will Make Vigorous Fight to Save the Life of Their Client (Atlanta Constitution)

February 18, 1914: Split Court Denies New Trial to Frank (New York Times)

February 19, 1914: Counsel for Frank to Ask a Rehearing by Supreme Court (Atlanta Constitution)

February 21, 1914: Evidence for Frank Hidden, Say Counsel (New York Times)

February 21, 1914: Jim Conley Case to Come to Trial Week From Today (Atlanta Constitution)

February 22, 1914: Solicitor Dorsey Scorched in Card by Frank Counsel (Atlanta Constitution)

February 23, 1914: Mrs. Nina Formby Makes Affidavit to Assist Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

February 24, 1914: All-Night Search to Find M'Knight Meets No Success (Atlanta Constitution)

February 25, 1914: Appeal for Frank in Murder Case (New York Times)

February 25, 1914: Conley Convicted, Gets Year on Gang (Atlanta Constitution)

February 26, 1914: Plied With Whisky She Lied in Story Told About Frank Says Mrs. Formby (Atlanta Constitution)

February 27, 1914: Becker Trial Was Parallel to Mine; Leo Frank Writes the Constitution (Atlanta Constitution)

February 27, 1914: Detectives Scored in Alleged Formby Confession (Atlanta Constitution)

February 28, 1914: Appeal for Frank Delayed by Hope of New Evidence (Atlanta Constitution)

March 1, 1914: Helen Ferguson Tells Defense in Affidavit of Advance by Conley (Atlanta Constitution)

March 2, 1914: Frank Convicted by Public Clamor (New York Times)

March 3, 1914: Burns Takes a Hand in Frank's Behalf (New York Times)

March 4, 1914: Luther Z. Rosser Holds Conference in New York Over Leo Frank's Case (Atlanta Constitution)

March 5, 1914: Geo. Epps Brands as a Falsehood Story of His Son in Affidavit (Atlanta Constitution)

March 6, 1914: Affidavit Verified by Mrs. Ethel Miller (Atlanta Constitution)

March 6, 1914: Frank's Time Alibi Gets New Support in Two Affidavits Given the Defense (Atlanta Constitution)

March 7, 1914: No Clemency Plea Planned for Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

March 8, 1914: Frank Resentenced, Says He's Innocent (New York Times)

March 8, 1914: New Developments in Case of Frank Come With a Rush After Resentence (Atlanta Constitution)

March 8, 1914: Rosser Defends Interview Answering Georgia Chamber (Atlanta Constitution)

March 9, 1914: Leo Frank Answers List of Questions Bearing on Points Made Against Him (Atlanta Constitution)

March 10, 1914: Frank Will Use Address by Taft (Atlanta Constitution)

March 11, 1914: Burns to Return by Next Friday and Make Report (Atlanta Constitution)

March 11, 1914: Justice Asked Now for Frank in Atlanta (New York Times)

March 12, 1914: Smith to Protect Conley from Grill by William Burns (Atlanta Constitution)

March 13, 1914: Frank Case Yields New Bribe Charge (New York Times)

March 14, 1914: Evidence for Frank Ignored, She Says (New York Times)

March 15, 1914: Frank Asks Six Questions (New York Times)

March 15, 1914: Leo M. Frank, An Innocent Man, May Suffer a Disgraceful Death for Another's Crime (New York Times)

March 15, 1914: M'Knight Badly Injured Trying to Slip Into City Unnoticed by Detectives (Atlanta Constitution)

March 15, 1914: Prisoner in Tower Asks Public for Answers to These Questions (Atlanta Constitution)

March 16, 1914: Frank No Pervert, States W. J. Burns on Reaching City (Atlanta Constitution)

March 16, 1914: From Pulpits Comes Call for New Trial For Frank; Burns Here to Open Probe (Atlanta Constitution)

March 16, 1914: Pastors Demand Retrial for Frank (New York Times)

March 18, 1914: Becker Will Come to Leo Frank's Aid if Defense Calls (Atlanta Constitution)

March 18, 1914: Burns Confers With Leo M. Frank (New York Times)

March 19, 1914: Burns Says He Can Solve Frank Case (New York Times)

March 19, 1914: Smith to Thwart Secret Attempt to Grill Conley (Atlanta Constitution)

March 20, 1914: Crime in Factory Foulest He Ever Knew Says Burns (Atlanta Constitution)

March 21, 1914: Detective Burns Given Hot Roast by Will M. Smith (Atlanta Constitution)

March 22, 1914: Burns to Extend Frank Case Inquiry (New York Times)

March 23, 1914: Detective Burns Goes to New York to Hunt Evidence (Atlanta Constitution)

March 23, 1914: New Frank Trial Urged by Pastor (Atlanta Constitution)

March 25, 1914: Promises Surprise in the Frank Case (New York Times)

March 25, 1914: Smith is Giving His Service Free to James Conley (Atlanta Constitution)

March 26, 1914: Probe Telegrams Sent From Newark (Atlanta Constitution)

March 27, 1914: Points to Conley as Girl's Slayer (New York Times)

March 30, 1914: B'nai B'rith Delegate Lauds Atlanta Spirit, Discusses Frank Case (Atlanta Constitution)

March 30, 1914: Welcome Given to B'nai B'rith (Atlanta Constitution)

March 30, 1914: Witness for Frank Sought in Chicago (Atlanta Constitution)

March 31, 1914: Conley is Anxious to Face Accusers (Atlanta Constitution)

March 31, 1914: Funeral Notices (Atlanta Constitution)

April 2, 1914: The Courts and the Frank Case (New York Times)

April 2, 1914: Will Show Employers Necessity of Militia (Atlanta Constitution)

April 5, 1914: Burns Will Seek Talk With Conley Early This Week (Atlanta Constitution)

April 7, 1914: More Affidavits for Frank Motion (Atlanta Constitution)

April 8, 1914: Did Stover Girl go to Factory? (Atlanta Constitution)

April 9, 1914: Burns and Dorsey Hold Conference (Atlanta Constitution)

April 10, 1914: Interest Centered in Report of Burns (Atlanta Constitution)

April 11, 1914: New Evidence Against Jim Conley Reported (Atlanta Constitution)

April 12, 1914: Reward of $1,000 Offered by Burns (Atlanta Constitution)

April 13, 1914: Burns Expected to Return Soon (Atlanta Constitution)

April 15, 1914: State May Oppose Plans of the Defense (Atlanta Constitution)

April 16, 1914: Frank's New Plea to be Filed Today (New York Times)

April 16, 1914: Leo Frank's Fight to Get New Trial Will Begin Today (Atlanta Constitution)

April 17, 1914: Way is Paved to Take Case of Leo M. Frank Before Federal Court (Atlanta Constitution)

April 19, 1914: Atlantans Favor New Frank Trial (New York Times)

April 19, 1914: Testimony He Gave at Trial Was True, Declares M'Knight (Atlanta Constitution)

April 20, 1914: Burns Expected to Return Today (Atlanta Constitution)

April 21, 1914: Grand Jury to Act on Leo Frank Case (Atlanta Constitution)

April 22, 1914: Dorsey and Burns Have Warm Words (Atlanta Constitution)

April 22, 1914: Lanford Declines to Show Affidavits (Atlanta Constitution)

April 23, 1914: Conley is Guilty, Asserts W. J. Burns (Atlanta Constitution)

April 24, 1914: Battle for Life of Leo M. Frank Begins in Court (Atlanta Constitution)

April 25, 1914: Did Not Confess to Girl's Murder, Says Jim Conley (Atlanta Constitution)

April 26, 1914: Monday is the Anniversary of Death of Mary Phagan (Atlanta Constitution)

April 26, 1914: Says Love Letters Written by Conley Prove Him Guilty (Atlanta Constitution)

April 27, 1914: Conley Notes Show Guilt, Says Burns (New York Times)

April 27, 1914: Friends Pay Tribute Today in the Cemetery at Marietta to Mary Phagan's Memory (Atlanta Constitution)

April 28, 1914: Friends Pay Tribute to Memory of Girl Killed One Year Ago (Atlanta Constitution)

May 1, 1914: Horrible Mistake in Case of Frank, States W. J. Burns (Atlanta Constitution)

May 1, 1914: Ragsdale Alleges an Offer of $200 (New York Times)

May 2, 1914: Burns Attacked by Mob (New York Times)

May 2, 1914: W. J. Burns and Dan Lehon Summoned by Solicitor Dorsey to the Frank Retrial Hearing (Atlanta Constitution)

May 2, 1914: William J. Burns Driven Out of Marietta (Atlanta Constitution)

May 3, 1914: Dorsey Calls C. W. Burke and Other Investigators for Leo Frank to Court (Atlanta Constitution)

May 5, 1914: Frank Affidavits False, Says Dorsey (New York Times)

May 5, 1914: Return of Negress Ordered by Judge Monday Morning (Atlanta Constitution)

May 6, 1914: May Call Burns Before Grand Jury (New York Times)

May 7, 1914: Frank Plea Fails, Will Take Appeal (New York Times)

May 7, 1914: New Trial Denied Leo Frank; No Argument by Hugh Dorsey (Atlanta Constitution)

May 10, 1914: Burns to Answer Contempt Charge (Atlanta Constitution)

May 10, 1914: Judge Will Not Give an Opinion (Atlanta Constitution)

May 14, 1914: Leo Frank Hearing Set For Wednesday (Atlanta Constitution)

May 16, 1914: Lehon Contempt Trial is Postponed by Hill (Atlanta Constitution)

May 17, 1914: Dorsey Ready to Argue Move to Upset Verdict (Atlanta Constitution)

May 18, 1914: Frank Inquiry Today (New York Times)

May 19, 1914: Lehon Contempt Trial Up Today (Atlanta Constitution)

May 24, 1914: Our Record Clean, Asserts Dan Lehon (Atlanta Constitution)

May 24, 1914: Persecuted, Says Lehon (New York Times)

May 30, 1914: Negro Cuts Detective in Effort to Escape (Atlanta Constitution)

June 5, 1914: Frank Hearing Today (New York Times)

June 6, 1914: Verdict is Void, Declare Lawyers for Leo M. Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

June 7, 1914: Another Step in Frank Case Won by State (Atlanta Constitution)

June 16, 1914: Burns to be Ousted by the Police Chiefs (Atlanta Constitution)

June 19, 1914: Burke Indicted for Perjury Subornation (Atlanta Constitution)

June 20, 1914: Burns is Dropped by Police Chiefs (Atlanta Constitution)

June 20, 1914: Resented His Criticisms (New York Times)

June 25, 1914: A. S. Colyar Arrested at Cartersville Home (Atlanta Constitution)

June 30, 1914: Knocks and Boosts From the State Press (Atlanta Constitution)

October 3, 1914: Frank Not Guilty, Believes Conley's Lawyer, Plans to Obtain Freedom of Man in Tower (Atlanta Constitution)

October 4, 1914: William Smith Tells Why His Opinion Has Changed as to Guilt of Leo Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

October 10, 1914: No Attack on Dorsey, Says William M. Smith (Atlanta Constitution)

October 15, 1914: Appeal Made by Leo Frank For New Trial Turned Down by Georgia Supreme Court (Atlanta Constitution)

October 27, 1914: Last Appeal Made for Leo M. Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

November 1, 1914: Jackson's Trail Through Georgia Will be Marked (Atlanta Constitution)

November 3, 1914: Grand Jury Charged by Judge Ben Hill (Atlanta Constitution)

November 11, 1914: Frank Case Decision May Be Given Today (Atlanta Constitution)

November 15, 1914: Leo Frank Loses in Supreme Court (Atlanta Constitution)

November 20, 1914: Grand Jury is Probing Bond Fraud Cases (Atlanta Constitution)

November 21, 1914: Leo Frank Again Loses Big Point (Atlanta Constitution)

November 22, 1914: Vindication Asked by Leo M. Frank in Card to Public (Atlanta Constitution)

November 24, 1914: Frank Case Witness Placed Under Arrest (Atlanta Constitution)

November 24, 1914: Refuses Frank a Writ of Error (New York Times)

November 25, 1914: Is It a Denial of Justice? (New York Times)

November 26, 1914: Editorial Article 1 (No Title) (New York Times)

November 27, 1914: Justice Holmes's Opinion (New York Times)

November 28, 1914: Jury Was on Trial, Says Leo M. Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

November 28, 1914: Last Plea to Supreme Court (New York Times)

November 29, 1914: Retry Leo Frank, Says Rabbi Lyons (New York Times)

November 30, 1914: Frank Case Today in Highest Court (New York Times)

November 30, 1914: No Delay Expected in Leo Frank Case (Atlanta Constitution)

December 1, 1914: The Press on Frank Case (New York Times)

December 2, 1914: Says Frank Verdict was Legal Nullity (New York Times)

December 3, 1914: Action is Postponed on Frank Remittitur (Atlanta Constitution)

December 4, 1914: Press on Frank Case (New York Times)

December 5, 1914: Frank Case Remittitur in Hands of the Court (Atlanta Constitution)

December 6, 1914: Atlanta's Mob Spirit Resident Holds it Responsible for Leo Frank's Conviction (New York Times)

December 8, 1914: Frank Loses Last Chance in Court (Atlanta Constitution)

December 9, 1914: Frank May Again Ask for a Writ (New York Times)

December 9, 1914: Habeas Corpus Writ for Leo Frank Today (Atlanta Constitution)

December 10, 1914: Frank Resentenced, Asserts Innocence (New York Times)

December 10, 1914: Leo Frank Hears Sentence of Death (Atlanta Constitution)

December 11, 1914: Georgians Here Appeal for Frank (New York Times)

December 11, 1914: Judge Hill Suffers Relapse of Illness (Atlanta Constitution)

December 11, 1914: New Plea to Courts Prepared for Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

December 12, 1914: Georgians Urged to Plead for Frank (New York Times)

December 13, 1914: All Urged to Write Appeals for Frank (New York Times)

December 14, 1914: Finds Mob Frenzy Convicted Frank (New York Times)

December 14, 1914: Frank Counsel Hopeful (New York Times)

December 14, 1914: Plan Hard Fight for Frank's Life (Atlanta Constitution)

December 15, 1914: Frank Can Appeal Again, Says Lawyer (New York Times)

December 17, 1914: Brooklyn Petition for Frank Pardon (New York Times)

December 18, 1914: Leo Frank Opens New Court Fight (Atlanta Constitution)

December 19, 1914: Frank's Moral Energy: Can He Write His Own Speeches, a Personal Acquaintance Asks (New York Times)

December 19, 1914: Newman to Hear Frank Case Today (Atlanta Constitution)

December 20, 1914: ”Frank is Innocent” - Burns (New York Times)

December 22, 1914: Alexander Scores Charge of Dorsey (Atlanta Constitution)

December 22, 1914: Frank Mass Meeting Called (New York Times)

December 23, 1914: Marshall Will Make Supreme Court Plea (Atlanta Constitution)

December 24, 1914: Called Lynch Law Veiled (New York Times)

December 27, 1914: Says His Analysis Vindicates Frank (New York Times)

December 28, 1914: Frank Railroaded, E. V. Debs Asserts (New York Times)

December 28, 1914: Leo Frank Decision is Expected Today (Atlanta Constitution)

December 28, 1914: Lesson From Frank Case (New York Times)

December 29, 1914: Frank's Trial Legal, Declares Grossman (Atlanta Constitution)

December 29, 1914: Lamar Grants Appeal to Frank (New York Times)

December 29, 1914: Leo M. Frank's New Fight for Life May Last in Courts for Six Months Before a Final Decision is Reached (Atlanta Constitution)

December 30, 1914: Long Legal Battle in Leo Frank Case (Atlanta Constitution)

December 31, 1914: Article 5 (No Title) (New York Times)


January 1, 1915: Texans Make Plea for Leo M. Frank (New York Times)

January 3, 1915: Leo M. Frank Says Politics Prompted Joseph M. Brown to Write Card to Chronicle (Atlanta Constitution)

January 4, 1915: The Frank Case: A Socialist Plea for Justice Where It Can Still Be Done (New York Times)

January 6, 1915: Leo Frank Replies to Attack by Brown (New York Times)

January 10, 1915: Frank is Innocent, Says George S. Dougherty (New York Times)

January 17, 1915: Warren Grice Will Ask Early Hearing on Frank Petition (Atlanta Constitution)

January 17, 1915: William J. Burns Scores Man Who Worked in Frank Case (New York Times)

January 20, 1915: Article 8 (No Title) (New York Times)

January 24, 1915: Leo Frank Appeal is Set for Feb. 23 by Supreme Court (Atlanta Constitution)

January 29, 1915: Jim Conley Will Take Stand Today as State Witness (Atlanta Constitution)

January 30, 1915: Large Sums Paid to Burns Agency, Haas Tells Court (Atlanta Constitution)

January 31, 1915: Will Leo Frank be Tried Again? (Atlanta Constitution)

February 10, 1915: State is Preparing for Frank Hearing (Atlanta Constitution)

February 23, 1915: Conley, Not Frank, Guilty, Train Holds (New York Times)

February 23, 1915: Lawyers for State Reach Washington (Atlanta Constitution)

February 23, 1915: Sheriff Mangum Leaves to Attend Leo Frank Hearing (Atlanta Constitution)

February 24, 1915: Postpone Hearing of Frank Appeal (Atlanta Constitution)

February 27, 1915: Leo Frank's Fate in Hands of Court (Atlanta Constitution)

April 4, 1915: Jewish War Victims Aided by Leo Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

April 18, 1915: About the Frank Case (New York Times)

April 20, 1915: His Plea Denied, Frank May Move for a Rehearing (Atlanta Constitution)

April 21, 1915: Frank's Attorneys Confer on Appeal (Atlanta Constitution)

April 22, 1915: Frank Pardon Plea Will Be Completed Within a Few Days (Atlanta Constitution)

April 23, 1915: Frank Makes Plea for Commutation (Atlanta Constitution)

April 28, 1915: Article 12 (No Title) (New York Times)

April 30, 1915: Mother and Father of Leo Frank Here to Attend Hearing (Atlanta Constitution)

May 1, 1915: Leo Frank an Innocent Man, Declares Geraldine Ferrar After Visit to Tower Cell (Atlanta Constitution)

May 4, 1915: State Will Wait for U.S. Mandate in Case of Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

May 6, 1915: Frank's Lawyers Get Affidavits (Atlanta Constitution)

May 6, 1915: Georgia Counsel Surprised (New York Times)

May 10, 1915: Frank Will Face Judge Hill Today (Atlanta Constitution)

May 11, 1915: Leo Frank's Fate up to Gov. Slaton as Final Arbiter (Atlanta Constitution)

May 17, 1915: Frank a Mob Victim, Rabbi Wise Asserts (New York Times)

May 18, 1915: Date for Hearing of Frank is Fixed (Atlanta Constitution)

May 19, 1915: Mass Meeting to Aid Frank (New York Times)

May 19, 1915: Paterson to Frank's Aid (New York Times)

May 19, 1915: Senate of Tennessee Makes Plea for Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

May 20, 1915: Two State Legislatures Ask Georgia's Governor for Clemency for Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

May 22, 1915: Dr. White to Discuss Leo Frank's Sentence (Atlanta Constitution)

May 23, 1915: Leo Frank Jurors to Hold Meeting to Discuss Case (Atlanta Constitution)

May 24, 1915: Calls Frank Victim of Cry Against Jews (New York Times)

May 24, 1915: Free Sons Send Petition (New York Times)

May 24, 1915: Pastors to Plead for Commutation of Frank Sentence (Atlanta Constitution)

May 24, 1915: Plan Appeals for Frank (New York Times)

May 27, 1915: Clemency is Urged for Leo M. Frank by Georgia Society (Atlanta Constitution)

May 27, 1915: Clemency Protest is Filed by Dorsey (Atlanta Constitution)

May 28, 1915: Dorsey's Course Still Undecided (Atlanta Constitution)

May 29, 1915: Conley and Frank Meet Wednesday (Atlanta Constitution)

May 29, 1915: W. J. Burns Exonerated (New York Times)

May 30, 1915: Hope for Frank in Final Fight (New York Times)

May 31, 1915: Leo Frank's Plea for Commutation to be Heard Today (Atlanta Constitution)

June 1, 1915: Frank's Hearing Ends Commission, to Make Recommendation Soon (Atlanta Constitution)

June 2, 1915: Frank and Conley Will Meet Today (Atlanta Constitution)

June 2, 1915: Phagan Townsfolk at Frank Hearing (New York Times)

June 3, 1915: Frank and Conley Will Not Testify (Atlanta Constitution)

June 5, 1915: Magicians at Trick Dinner (New York Times)

June 5, 1915: Prison Commissioners Go to Their Homes (Atlanta Constitution)

June 5, 1915: Rochester Aid for Frank (New York Times)

June 9, 1915: Decision on Frank is Expected Today (New York Times)

June 10, 1915: Case of Leo Frank is up to Governor for Final Decision (Atlanta Constitution)

June 11, 1915: Final Plea for Frank to be Made Saturday (Atlanta Constitution)

June 12, 1915: Marietta Delegation to Fight Frank Plea (Atlanta Constitution)

June 12, 1915: To Make Last Plea for Frank Today (New York Times)

June 13, 1915: Begin Last Frank Plea to Governor (New York Times)

June 13, 1915: Slaton to Spend Today in Study of Frank Appeal (Atlanta Constitution)

June 14, 1915: Slaton Expected to Inspect Scene of Murder Today (Atlanta Constitution)

June 15, 1915: Howard to Finish Appeal for Frank Early Wednesday (Atlanta Constitution)

June 17, 1915: Ask State to Cease Killing by Law (New York Times)

June 17, 1915: Frank's Fate Now in Slaton's Hands (New York Times)

June 17, 1915: Leo Frank's Fate up to Governor; Hearing is Ended (Atlanta Constitution)

June 18, 1915: Leo Frank May Know His Fate by Sunday (Atlanta Constitution)

June 19, 1915: Decision on Frank Expected Monday (Atlanta Constitution)

June 19, 1915: Gov. Slaton Delays Leo Frank Decision (New York Times)

June 20, 1915: Frank May Not Know His Fate Till Tuesday (New York Times)

June 20, 1915: Howard Confident of Commutation for Leo Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

June 21, 1915: Frank Sentence Commuted (Atlanta Constitution)

June 21, 1915: Frank's Sentence is Commuted by Slaton (Atlanta Constitution)

June 22, 1915: Creditable to the State (New York Times)

June 22, 1915: Frank Starts Prison Work, Noisy Crowd at Governor's Home Dispersed by Militia (Atlanta Constitution)

June 22, 1915: Gov. Slaton's Statement; Slaton Commutes Frank Sentence (New York Times)

June 22, 1915: How Constitution Got Story of Frank's Departure When Governor, Sheriff and Other Officials Combined to Keep Commutation Secret Until Monday Afternoon (Atlanta Constitution)

June 22, 1915: Marshall Praises Slaton's Courage (New York Times)

June 22, 1915: Press of Georgia Upholds Governor (New York Times)

June 22, 1915: Rejoicing in Frank's Home (New York Times)

June 22, 1915: Soldiers Now Guard Him (New York Times)

June 22, 1915: Whole Frank Case Reviewed in Slaton's Statement (Atlanta Constitution)

June 23, 1915: Gov. Slaton Sees Mob's Anger Die (New York Times)

June 24, 1915: Guards Increased at Milledgeville (Atlanta Constitution)

June 25, 1915: A Study for Psychologists (New York Times)

June 25, 1915: Troops to Guard Slaton (New York Times)

June 26, 1915: Violence Feared in Atlanta Today (New York Times)

June 29, 1915: Praise for Slaton in Flood of Mail (New York Times)

July 1, 1915: Capitol Gossip (Atlanta Constitution)

July 14, 1915: Militia Under Arms Following Mob Rumor (Atlanta Constitution)

July 18, 1915: Leo Frank's Throat Cut by Convict; Famous Prisoner Near Death (New York Times)

July 18, 1915: Leo Frank's Throat Cut by State Farm Prisoner (Atlanta Constitution)

July 19, 1915: Creen's Mind Affected by Fall from Bridge (Atlanta Constitution)

July 19, 1915: Frank's Condition Steadily Improving, Good Chance to Recover, Say Doctors (Atlanta Constitution)

July 20, 1915: Another Doctor Added to Staff Treating Frank (Atlanta Constitution)

July 20, 1915: Frank in a Fever, Infection Feared (New York Times)

July 22, 1915: Frank Grows Stronger; Danger is Nearly Over (Atlanta Constitution)

July 25, 1915: Convicts at State Farm Ask Pardon for McNaughton (Atlanta Constitution)

July 25, 1915: The Hideous Mob Spirit (New York Times)

July 26, 1915: Only Genuine Motion Pictures of Leo Frank (New York Times)

July 26, 1915: Preacher Defends Thaw (New York Times)

August 2, 1915: Leo Frank's Head Put in Metal Braces (Atlanta Constitution)

August 11, 1915: On Day of Release, He Weds Daughter of GA Prison Head (Atlanta Constitution)

August 17, 1915: Posses Chase Frank Mob (Atlanta Constitution)

August 17, 1915: Warden is Overpowered (New York Times)

August 18, 1915: Article 1 (No Title) (New York Times)

August 18, 1915: Called Blot on State by Josephus Daniels (New York Times)

August 18, 1915: Georgia Press Condemns Act (New York Times)

August 18, 1915: Georgia's Shame (Atlanta Constitution)

August 18, 1915: Governor Prepares for Formal Inquiry (New York Times)

August 18, 1915: Had Not Given Up Hope (Atlanta Constitution)

August 18, 1915: Harris to Probe Frank Lynching (Atlanta Constitution)

August 18, 1915: How the Jeffersonian Fanned Race Hatred (New York Times)

August 18, 1915: Loyless Bids, Georgians Choose (New York Times)

August 18, 1915: Lynching of Leo Frank Denounced by Daniels (Atlanta Constitution)

August 18, 1915: Mob Had Plotted Crime for Weeks (New York Times)

August 18, 1915: Mob Hanging Better than Judicial Murder, Says John M. Slaton (Atlanta Constitution)

August 18, 1915: Mob's Own Story in Detail (Atlanta Constitution)

August 18, 1915: Neighbors Protect Frank Slayers (New York Times)

August 18, 1915: Save Body from Mob; Heels Mutilate Face (New York Times)

August 18, 1915: Says Tom Watson is Frank's Slayer (New York Times)

August 18, 1915: Took Frank's Life in Resentment (New York Times)

August 18, 1915: Trial Called a Prolonged Lynching (New York Times)

August 19, 1915: A Regrettable Incident (New York Times)

August 19, 1915: Grim Tragedy in Woods (New York Times)

August 19, 1915: Handcuffs May Prove Clue to Identity of at Least One of Leo Frank's Lynchers (New York Times)

August 19, 1915: May Find Mobbers by the Handcuffs on Burke's Wrists (Atlanta Constitution)

August 19, 1915: Proof of Frank's Innocence (New York Times)

August 19, 1915: Woodward is Rapped by Governor Slaton (Atlanta Constitution)

August 19, 1915: Would Isolate Georgia (New York Times)

August 20, 1915: Frank Lynching Due to Suspicion and Prejudice (New York Times)

August 20, 1915: Frank's Body Here; Burial Hour Secret (New York Times)

August 20, 1915: Mob Law is Condemned in Statement by Harris on Leo Frank Lynching (Atlanta Constitution)

August 21, 1915: Alleged Frank Relics (New York Times)

August 22, 1915: Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi (New York Times)

August 22, 1915: One Frank Lyncher Said to be Known (New York Times)

August 24, 1915: Boycott Started Against Atlanta by Boston Firm (Atlanta Constitution)

August 24, 1915: Coroner to Resume Investigation Today into Frank Lynching (Atlanta Constitution)

August 25, 1915: Lynchers Unknown, Frank Jury Finds (New York Times)

August 25, 1915: Officials of Cobb Seek Clew to Mob (Atlanta Constitution)

August 30, 1915: Rope on His Auto, New York Police Shadow Atlantan (Atlanta Constitution)

September 12, 1915: Famous French Parallel to the Frank Case (New York Times)

September 13, 1915: Attacks Watson in Frank Case (New York Times)

September 20, 1915: Frank Committee Loses Chairman (New York Times)

October 17, 1915: Queries from Times Readers and Answers to Them (New York Times)

November 3, 1915: Society Lukewarm on Suffrage Vote (New York Times)

November 5, 1915: Gangster Madden Stays in Sing Sing (New York Times)

November 15, 1915: New England Educational Journal Criticizes Narrowness of Eastern Magazine (Atlanta Constitution)

November 20, 1915: Echo of the Frank Case (New York Times)


February 15, 1916: Jim Conley is Fined for Beating His Wife (Atlanta Constitution)

February 29, 1916: Morris Lasker Dead (New York Times)

April 2, 1916: Georgians Square, Asserts Slaton (Atlanta Constitution)

September 12, 1916: Dorsey Assails Slaton and Jews (New York Times)

September 13, 1916: Marshall Denies Dorsey's Charges (New York Times)

August 4, 1917: Ex-Gov. Slaton in a Fight (New York Times)

January 14, 1919: Jim Conley Shot as Store Breaker by Druggist Conn (Atlanta Constitution)

January 17, 1919: Jim Conley Admits Attempt at Burglary (Atlanta Constitution)

January 18, 1919: Leo Frank's Accuser Shot (New York Times)

February 25, 1919: 20-Year Jail Sentence for Conley (New York Times)

June 11, 1919: Recalls the Frank Case (New York Times)

August 19, 1921: W. J. Burns to Head the Secret Service (New York Times)

March 5, 1922: State Will Cite Leo Frank's Case in Dupre Hearing (Atlanta Constitution)

December 2, 1922: The Anti Lynching Bill (New York Times)

February 24, 1929: Aged Inmate Soon Will Complete 15 Years in Prison (Atlanta Constitution)

July 16, 1930: Heckler Questions Slaton Concerning Leo Frank Case (Atlanta Constitution)

August 12, 1930: Slaton Discusses Frank Commutation (Atlanta Constitution)

January 4, 1942: L.P. Whitfield, Noted Sleuth, 61, Succumbs (Atlanta Constitution)

December 1, 1943: Leo Frank's Widow Not Bitter, Sews on Wedding Anniversary (Atlanta Constitution)

December 2, 1943: Mrs. Frank Fine, Brave Woman, Slaton Opines; Silent on Case (Atlanta Constitution)
