Phagan Family Newsletter Number Ten

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Barnes & Lebow Can’t Tell the Truth • Twitter Revolt Against ADL • “PARADE” Fools Broadway, Again • Stew Peters’ ADL Exposé

Roy Barnes and Steven Lebow:

Why do you continue to tell the “Big Lies”?

In another one of his now tiresome interviews former governor Roy Barnes continues to repeat lie after lie after lie about the murder of my great aunt Mary Phagan by her employer, Leo Frank, sexual pervert [Atlanta Constitution, May 20, 1913]. Author Steve Oney also stated Leo Frank was a “sexual predator” [“History of Antisemitism: The Truths and Mysteries of Leo Frank,” webinar, August 29, 2023]. According to Barnes in his June 23, 2023 interview with the Marietta Daily Journal, “The case has always fascinated me. For several years we’ve been trying to exonerate (Frank)....I think here should be a new trial and exoneration that his conviction be vacated and that a new trial and exoneration ought to be entered. That’s what we’re exploring right now.” But to “exonerate” Frank, Barnes and his fabricating cohort Rabbi Steven Lebow have to lie shamelessly to conceal the truth of Frank’s horrific crime. They work behind the scenes with leaders of the Marietta Jewish community and the ADL IN SECRET using their political influence to “bamboozle” the unsuspecting public about the crimes of Leo Frank. Here are some CORRECTIONS to their endless public perjuries:

Lie: They say Frank was lynched by the “Knights of Mary Phagan.” Truth: There were no “Knights of Mary Phagan.” 7 weeks before Leo Frank was lynched, the New York Times invented the term “Knights of Mary Phagan.” The lynchers never called themselves by that name. [New York Times, June 26, 1915] They called themselves the Vigilance Committee. [Called Vigilance Committee in Jeffersonian, August 19 and 26, 1915].

Lie: The Ku Klux Klan was re-formed out of the “Knights of Mary Phagan” in 1915. Truth: The 1915 blockbuster film Birth of a Nation was the reason for the rebirth of the KKK—not the New York Times-invented “Knights of Mary Phagan.” The KKK “did not exist during the trial of Leo Frank and apparently 3 members of the Frank lynch party attended the ceremony on Thanksgiving Day 1915 at Stone Mountain.” [Steve Oney, “History of Antisemitism: The Truths and Mysteries of Leo Frank,” webinar, August 29, 2023]

Lie: Barnes told some law students that if they want to understand the “miscarriage of justice” they should read the book And The Dead Shall Rise by Steve Oney. [Walter F George Law School, November 12, 2019, Macon, Georgia] Truth: When asked if the trial jury “ignored the facts in the case,” Oney responded: “No, I think there was a reasonable case against Leo Frank.” Steve Oney [“History of Antisemitism: The Truths and Mysteries of Leo Frank,” webinar, August 29, 2023] stated that both “Jim Conley and Frank had opportunity depending on your perspective. They might each have a motive. Hard to explain all the females who testified against Leo Frank, both at the trial and the May 8, 1913 coroner’s inquest.” Even Governor John Slaton, who under political pressure commuted Frank’s death sentence to life imprisonment, wrote: “The Supreme Court... determined as a matter of law, and correctly in my judgment, that there was sufficient evidence to sustain the [guilty] verdict.” [Slaton Commutation, June 21, 1915]

Roy Barnes & Steven Lebow JUST Can’t Stop LYING

Lie: Trial Judge Leonard Roan believed Frank was innocent. Truth: This fantasy is simply made up by Barnes & Lebow. Judge Roan presided over the entire trial. He had the power to call a mistrial, to annul the verdict, to impose a life sentence. He CHOSE to sentence Leo Frank to capital punishment, death by hanging!—the most severe penalty.

Lie: Two Supreme Court justices found that Frank did not have a fair trial. Truth: Leo Frank had a fair trial. After losing 12 successive court appeals, Frank’s lawyers went to the US Supreme Court, which REFUSED his 13th appeal, voting 7-2. In a statement, the two dissenters—Holmes and Hughes — simply affirmed that generally trials should not be carried out under mob rule. The Justices never actually reviewed the Frank trial. Indeed, as Governor Slaton pointed out, the case record shows there were no anti-Semitic mobs in or outside the courtroom. [United States Supreme Court, April 19, 1915; Slaton Commutation, June 21, 1915] For years Roy Barnes and Steven Lebow have been promoting a fraudulent narrative about the Frank case, and in particular that the 1913 trial was illegitimate because it was “mob- dominated.” Barnes falsely claimed that “there were just mobs of people. And as the jury would go [to] the courthouse every day, the mob would scream, ‘Hang the Jew or we’ll hang you!’” This charge is a blatant lie that has been disproven by the scholars of the case including the ADL’s own expert, Steve Oney. It was made up long after the trial by an overzealous writer trying to make a name for himself. Only Barnes & Lebow continue to repeat the falsehood. For this and many other reasons Roy Barnes and Steven Lebow are simply unfit to participate in any serious inquiry into the Leo Frank case.

Parade Fools Broadway—Again

When Alfred Uhry’s play Parade opened on Broadway starring Tony Award-winner Ben Platt, its audience was told they would be watching a “historical drama about the false conviction of Leo Frank.” Alfred Uhry’s much ballyhooed fantasy script is almost childlike in its handling of the case, making sure that its propaganda value is foremost throughout. After protests (that may have been staged for heightened publicity) marred its opening day performance, the “play” received acclaim from the Broadway press and was among the winners at this year’s Tony Awards. It won Best Revival of a Musical and Best Direction of a Musical. The play then went to Australia, where its director Erik McGinnis made this astounding claim: “Well, when telling a true story, you always want to be as accurate as you possibly can. So with that said, I, along with my team and many of the cast members, have spent many hours poring over research of not only the Leo Frank case, but the time period. It is such an important moment in our country’s history that is so rarely spoken about, so it was of utmost importance to us that everything be completely accurate.” Of course, Frank’s backers can believe in anything they wish to believe in. We, however, must be extremely cautious about being unwitting servants to this massive Leo Frank illusion. As the popular story goes, Leo Frank was “wrongfully convicted” for the murder of a defenseless child—but those who have worked unceasingly to exonerate the Jewish man have worked equally hard to pin this heinous crime on a Black man! For 100 years the name of James “Jim” Conley has been scapegoated in nearly all the Jewish-produced literature on the case. He was a janitor in the factory on the day of the murder, and he admits to being called by his boss Leo Frank to help move the girl’s body. But later Frank and his supporters moved to pin the entire crime on Conley! Uhry’s Parade casts the Black man as a devious criminal who gets away with murder. THIS IS RACISM IN ITS WORST FORM!

Checkmates ADL’s Leo Frank Lies

Greenblatt’s Tweet [4.4 million views] Infuriates Thousands

ADL CEO and National Director Jonathan Greenblatt got a rude awakening after his August 17th Tweet commemorating the lynching of ADL father, rapist, and murderer Leo Frank. Stew Peters covered the incident on his show and commented, “The ADL got something unexpected: The new Twitter or X ‘community notes’ system – where people can add helpful, factual notes to the bottom of tweets.” “Before Elon Musk bought Twitter, the ADL practically ran Twitter’s censorship regime. Well now, censorship is at least superficially mostly gone and the fact-checking is in the hands of the people,” said Peters. “[Leo Frank] raped and murdered a 13-year-old white girl and tried to frame the illiterate black night janitor,” the community notes attached to Greenblatt’s post read. “His pardon, 73 years after his death, does not clear him of the accused crime and was likely politically-motivated,” the community notes went on to say, citing multiple web links. Twitter’s Community Notes feature BLEW UP the ADL’s Leo Frank narrative. Stew Peters went on to recount the indictment of Leo Frank, in which multiple Jewish grand jury members voted to charge the killer with the rape and murder of a child, even as Frank’s defense tried to blame a black maintenance worker named Jim Conley for the crime. It didn’t work, even in the Jim Crow South. In fact, at Frank’s trial, “a huge number of witnesses” blamed Frank for the crime, and Jim Conley was crossexamined for a whopping 16 hours but still refused to accept Frank’s blame. “Frank’s defense team also made outlandish, racist attacks on Conley,” detailed Peters. “One of Frank’s attorneys said quote ‘Conley is a plain, beastly, drunken, filthy, lying N-word with a spreading nose through which tons of cocaine have probably been sniffed.’” “That’s the defense argument that the ADL was created to promote,” said Peters.

Stew Peters Exposes the ADL’s Pedophile Origins

Journalist Stew Peters EXPOSED the Anti- Defamation League’s shady origins in a recent segment of the Stew Peters Show, harkening back to the birth of the ADL, which was formed to defend convicted murderer Leo Frank while accusing those who sought justice, including the child victim’s family, of “anti- Semitism.” “It’s time for a little history lesson about the Anti-Defamation League,” Peters said at the segment’s opening, before exposing the ADL’s ties to Israeli intelligence and anti- American spy rings, then dropping the hammer, reminding the American People that the far-left ADL is rooted in the defense of a murderous pedophile and the actual defamation of an innocent black man. “The ADL’s origins go back more than 100 years. They go to an infamous murder case in Georgia,” explained Peters. “Leo Frank was the Jewish manager of a factory in Atlanta that relied on child labor,” Peters went on. “One of Frank’s workers, a 13-year-old girl named Mary Phagan, was ound raped and murdered in that factory.” “Frank was put on trial, convicted ultimately and unanimously despite hiring the best legal team that money could buy, and [was] sentenced to death,” said Peters. “But, after heavy political lobbying, Georgia’s Governor commuted Frank’s sentence to life in prison. So an outraged group of Georgia citizens ...broke into Frank’s jail, kidnapped him, and hanged him in Marietta, Georgia.” Years later, thanks to massive political pressure from the ADL, Frank was given a symbolic pardon by Georgia’s state government, even over the objections of young ary Phagan’s family, who, as Peters explained in the segment, “strongly believed that Frank was guilty....Last week, ADL leader Jonathan Greenblatt marked the anniversary of Frank’s death with a tweet, calling him the victim of an unjust conviction motivated by, of course, antisemitism.”

Please contact Mary Phagan-Kean for lectures and interviews at [email protected]

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