Phagan Family Newsletter #Three

Reading Time: 7 minutes [1075 words]

The Phagan Family Asks D.A. Paul Howard Why The Secrecy?

In 2019, under intense pressure from the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard established the “Conviction Integrity Unit,” which is intended to reverse the 1913 conviction of the murderer and rapist Leo Frank. All evidence proves that Frank murdered our beloved family member, 13-year-old Mary Phagan, but many outright lies have been told about the case that MUST BE CORRECTED! Go to LITTLEMARYPHAGAN.COM for more TRUTH about the murder of Little Mary Phagan.

Since the Conviction Integrity Unit has been established to review the Leo Frank Case, BOOKS have been BANNED, YouTube Videos have been removed and Georgia and Supreme Court records and Original newspaper links are NO LONGER AVAILABLE! Why? To “silence the opposing view.” What is the truth of the Leo Frank Case? Truth has become inappropriate or offensive or objectionable and is deemed “hate speech” to impose censorship. FACTS ARE NOT HATEFUL!!! An extraordinary set of events has occurred that raises serious questions about those people and groups behind the newly formed Fulton County Conviction Integrity Unit. On April 26, 2019, District Attorney Paul Howard announced that he would lead yet another official inquiry into the 1913 conviction of the murderer of my great aunt Mary Phagan, her employer Leo Frank. Let me be very clear on behalf of the Phagan family: We have studied this case and all of the available evidence, trial documents and news reports and there is absolutely no doubt that Leo Frank was the murderer of Little Mary Phagan. D.A. Howard was approached by a group of supporters of Leo Frank who have absolutely NO INTEREST injustice and have for years ducked and dodged the actual evidence that proves Leo Frank’s guilt beyond any reasonable doubt. Instead, they have provided D.A. Howard with false and deceptive data and outright lies in order to force him to do their bidding. This century-old murder case was rife with fraud and deception from the beginning. A May 4, 1913 Atlanta Constitution article titled “Impostors Busy in Sleuth Roles in Phagan Case” asks: “What interests are promoting the planting of evidence in the Mary Phagan mystery?...[W]e are convinced that there are mysterious forces antagonizing our investigation.” D.A. Howard should know (but his “consultants” won’t tell him) that the planted evidence was specifically targeting the African-American night watchman at the factory, Newt Lee. Had the police not discovered the fraud Lee would very likely have been lynched! Later, Leo Frank’s most zealous supporter Albert Lasker—the man who financed Frank’s 13 post-conviction appeals—admitted that he would stoop to the lowest criminal level to secure Leo Frank’s acquittal, by putting in “as much perjured stuff” as his agents could create. And it appears that this kind of dishonest activity has not stopped. These facts—and many, many more like them—used to be available on the internet until very recently. Before he takes on the Frank case, D.A. Howard might do well to ask why the original documents in the case have all of a sudden been removed from the internet. Indeed, the books, videos, articles, and court documents that provide a balanced view of the case have been systematically removed SINCE THE CONVICTION INTEGRITY UNIT WAS ANNOUNCED!

No Longer Available

• Original articles from the three major dailies covering the day-by-day progress of the case (removed from

• Videos from YouTube that challenge the false idea that

Go To We Won’t Censor the Truth!

• Official case documents like the Brief of Evidence, the appeals filings, and the published trial records have been scrubbed from the internet.

• Books that prove Leo Frank’s guilt and provide a serious case analysis have been banned and censored. My 1987 book titled The Murder of Little Mary Phagan has been removed from some websites where it was previously available for years. The Nation of Islam’s recent book Leo Frank: The Lynching of a Guilty Man has been mysteriously banned from sale on

• Google searches EXCLUDE articles and documents that show evidence of Frank’s guilt.

• When we made an Open Records Request to the University of Georgia, they first said 70 records match the request. When we paid to have them mailed to us, all of a sudden all
70 records vanished with no explanation!

• When the Phagan Family tried to obtain Leo Frank case records from the Georgia Pardon and Paroles Board they refused, claiming they are designated as a “CONFIDENTIAL STATE SECRET”!


Are the Leo Frank crusaders, such as Mr. Barnes, Mr. Lebow, Mr. Van Pearlberg, Mr. Schwartz and the ADL, trying to conceal the official records from D.A. Howard and the CIU? Why has all this CENSORSHIP occurred right after the CIU was formed? How can they have “integrity,” when they are working so hard to suppress the official case record and evidence from the public and from the media? Who is removing these important documents from the internet and why? How can records from a 100-year-old legal case be called a “state secret”? What are they hiding? And most important, What are District Attorney Paul Howard and the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office going to do about it? D.A. Paul Howard was quoted in the Atlanta Journal Constitution saying, “One of the things we’re going to try to do is find official records…The criminal justice system has an obligation to get at the truth…” Fortunately for him and the CIU, the public and the media will still be able to access those critical official documents that the Leo Frank crusaders are trying to hide. We have made them available at where we believe they will be safe from the Leo Frank censors and their internet cleansing campaign. The Phagan Family calls on District Attorney Paul Howard to STOP THE SECRECY! Investigate these obvious attacks on Free Speech and the hiding of critical case information. If the CIU is honestly seeking justice, then they should contact YouTube,,,, etc. and SPECIFICALLY request that the items containing alternative views of the case be returned for public access.

Won’t it be a shock when D.A. Howard discovers that the same people who brought him this case are the same ones hiding it from him?


Contact Mary Phagan-Kean for lectures and interviews at [email protected]

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