MISS BESSIE FLEMING, Sworn In For The Defendant, 143rd To Testify

Reading Time: < 1 minute [165 words]

MISS BESSIE FLEMING, sworn for the Defendant.

I worked as stenographer at Mr. Frank's office from April, 1911, to December, 1911.

Mr. Frank's character was unusually good.


I am just talking about my personal relations with him.

I have never seen him do anything wrong there in the factory.

He never made any advances to me or anyone else.

I worked right in the same office with him.

The foreladies came to the office, the other girls did not very much.

I never did see any flirting.

I never heard about any.

Mr. Frank worked on his financial sheet in the afternoons, he didn't have time Saturday morning.

I didn't stay there very often on Saturday afternoons, but I knew that he didn't have time to do it Saturday morning.

I saw him on Saturdays during the mornings making out the financial sheet.

The girls work by the hour and piece work.

She has a right to go in there when she wants to dress to go out.

MISS BESSIE FLEMING, Sworn In For The Defendant, 143rd To Testify

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