PROF. GEO. BACHMAN, sworn for the Defendant.
Prof. of Physiology and Physiological Chemistry Atl. Col. Phys. & Surgeons.
Bomar says it takes 4 hours and a half to digest cabbage.
That's for the cabbage to pass from the stomach into the intestines.
The gastric digestion takes 4 hours and a half.
That is the time it is supposed to be in the stomach.
More digestion occurs in the small intestine.
The pancreatic juice helps digestion mostly in the small intestine.
It consists of water in organic salts of which sodium carbonate is the most important, and a number of ferments.
The ordinary time that it takes wheat bread to pass out of the stomach is not less than three hours.
The time for a meal consisting of cabbage cooked for about an hour and wheat biscuit to pass out of the stomach depends a great deal upon the mastication of the food.
The times given above have reference to the most favorable conditions.
If the cabbage is not well chewed it would take considerably longer.
It is impossible to tell exactly how long.
There is no regular rules about how long such substances as cabbage and wheat bread will be found in a person's stomach.
It depends upon too many different factors.
Even in a healthy normal stomach the digestion might be arrested or retarded at any stage, as by strong emotion such as fear and anger or violent physical exercise, or in the state of mastication.
The pyloris prevents passage of food to the intestines except when it is liquid and when there is free hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
If solid food touches the pyloris it closes immediately and nothing passes for a time.
If there were particles of cabbage in the stomach unmasticated in which you can see part of the leaf, they are liable to keep the contents of the stomach in it seven or eight hours or longer by coming into contact with the pyloris.
The liquid contents would pass into the intestines.
The solid part would be retained for a very long time.
The pyloris works mechanically, and unless a chemist knows to what extent those unchewed portions have affected the pyloris he can give no reliable estimate as to how long such food has been in the stomach.
It's a guess.
The acid in the stomach is hydrochloric, consisting of one atom of hydrogen and one of chlorine.
It combines with protein; only one percent of cabbage is protein, and only about one percent of the cabbage is acted upon in the stomach; the balance is acted upon in the small intestines, and in the mouth, where digestion begins to a certain extent.
The salts in the saliva act on the starch in the cabbage.
This cabbage (State's Exhibit G)
I don't think has been masticated at all so far as these pieces are concerned.
There can be no doubt that these pieces would retard the digestion and the passage from the stomach into the small intestines.
The presence of such cabbage would make it very uncertain as to how long before the food would pass out of the stomach.
I couldn't say, and I don't think anybody could say, how long cabbage and wheat bread in such condition would stay in the stomach.
As far as wheat bread and water are concerned the acidity of the stomach with reference to hydrochloric acid may go between 40 and 60 degrees, which is the average height of the acidity.
With wheat bread in the same shape of biscuit it would take the acidity about an hour to reach that height.
With cabbage we don't know how long it would take it to reach that height.
The acidity may rise very quickly and decline slowly.
It would not necessarily take it one-half of the 4 1/2 hours necessary for digestion.
When the acidity reaches a certain height it begins to descend.
The longer it stays in the stomach it decreases.
If you find 32 degrees in the body of a corpse you cannot tell whether it is on the ascending or decreasing scale.
There is no data on how long it would take the acidity to reach its height in case of cabbage.
If a gallon of the juices of a corpse are taken from the body and a gallon of embalming fluid, which is 8% formalin, is put in, it would destroy the ferments in the pancreatic juices.
There would be no way to tell by testing such a body whether any of that pancreatic juice had been in the lower intestine or not, for the only way to tell that is to find the action of the ferment, and if the formalin has destroyed it you can't tell anything about that at all.
After formalin has been in the body it is difficult to tell how long food has been in the stomach.
Formalin destroys the pepsin in the stomach.
I never heard of hydrochloric acid being measured by drops before, because it is vapor.
If I investigated a stomach and found wheat bread and cabbage, some of which was in that condition (State's Exhibit "G") and approximately a drop and a half or two drops of combined hydrochloric acid, the stomach being taken out during a post mortem on a subject that has been interred nine or ten days, a gallon of the liquids of the body having been taken out and a gallon of embalming fluid put in it, and if I further found the acidity of the stomach to be 32 degrees and practically no pepsin, and practically nothing in the lower intestine, the body having been embalmed with formaldehyde, it would be impossible for me or any other chemist or physician to tell anything about the time it had been in the stomach.
The acidity of the stomach does not suffice to show it, because it may have been higher than that.
There may have been considerable free hydrochloric acid, and that may have disappeared after the body had been embalmed, or even before that some of it will combine with the walls of the body and some passes out.
Not finding anything in the lower intestine would be of no value at all, because the ferments would be destroyed entirely.
If I took the contents of an absolutely normal stomach and made a positive test and found starch there, and there was nothing to indicate that anything was stopped up, and the intestines six feet below were absolutely clear, and nothing has moved out of the stomach, that would show me nothing as to how far digestion had pressed, for starch is found in the stomach from the beginning of digestion until the last particle of bread has passed out of the stomach and that may be three or four hours.
Medical men are able to compile tables showing how long it takes to digest cabbage and other things by testing for protein, but not for starch, because proteins are the only substances which combine with the hydrochloric acid and which are digested in the stomach, and that can be done only within certain limits and not with mathematical certainty.
If the starch digestion is not interrupted, maltose would be found in the stomach, but if I made a test and found starch, but no maltose, I could express no opinion unless the food had been well masticated, and unless I knew how soon after the food entered the stomach that free hydrochloric acid appeared, because free hydrochloric acid stops the starch digestion.
Finding starch and no maltose would not necessarily mean that digestion had not progressed very far, because free hydrochloric acid may have appeared soon after the food entered the stomach and stopped starch digestion.
In the average case I would say the starch had not been in the stomach very long.
In an ordinary normal stomach you might find maltose before the food reaches the stomach, even in the mouth.
It depends on mastication.
If I did not find it in the mouth or stomach I could not say how long digestion had progressed.
If I was told that these samples (State's Exhibit "G") were taken from a normal stomach within from 40 to 60 minutes after they were taken in it, I would answer that they might have been in the stomach 7 or 8 hours.
When it is said in the books that it takes four hours to digest cabbage it means cabbage which has been well chewed, not cabbage of that kind.
(State's Exhibit "G").
Cabbage, like this (State's Exhibit "G") could pass from the body whole.
Before it could be told with any degree of certainty how long after eating a meal of bread and cabbage 32 degrees of hydrochloric acid would be found, numerous observations would have to be made.
- Introduction to the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, July 28th, 1913 to August 21st, 1913, in the Fulton County Superior Court, Atlanta, Georgia, USA [Last Updated On: February 4th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- MRS J W COLEMAN, Sworn In For The State, 1st To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- GEORGE EPPS, Sworn In For The State, 2nd To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- NEWT LEE, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 3rd To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- L S DOBBS, Sworn In For The State, 4th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- J N STARNES, Sworn In For The State, 5th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- W W ROGERS, Sworn In For The State, 6th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- MISS GRACE HICKS, Sworn In For The State, 7th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- JOHN R BLACK, Sworn In For The State, 8th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- JAMES MILTON GANTT, Sworn In For The State, 9th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- MRS J A WHITE, Sworn In For The State, 10th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- HARRY SCOTT, Sworn In For The State, 11th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- MISS MONTEEN STOVER, Sworn In For The State, 12th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- ROBERT P BARRETT, Sworn In For The State, 13th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- MELL STANFORD, Sworn In For The State, 14th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- GEORGE W JEFFERSON, Sworn In For The State, 15th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- B B HASLETT, Sworn In For The State, 16th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- E F HOLLOWAY, Sworn In For The State, 17th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- N V DARLEY, Sworn In For The State, 18th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- W F ANDERSON, Sworn In For The State, 19th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- G C FEBRUARY, Sworn In For The State, 20th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- ALBERT MCKNIGHT, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 21st To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- MISS HELEN FERGUSON, Sworn In For The State, 22nd To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- R L WAGGONER, Sworn In For The State, 23rd To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- J L BEAVERS, Sworn In For The State, 24th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- R M LASSITER, Sworn In For The State, 25th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- L 0 GRICE, Sworn In For The State, 26th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- MELL STANFORD, Sworn In For The State, 27th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- W H GREESLING, Sworn In For The State, 28th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- DR CLAUDE SMITH, Sworn In For The State, 29th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- DR J W HURT, Sworn In For The State, 30th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- DR H F HARRIS, Sworn In For The State, 31st To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- C B DALTON, Sworn In For The State, 32nd To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- S L ROSSER, Sworn In For The State, 33rd To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- JAMES CONLEY, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 34th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- C W MANGUM, Sworn In For The State, 35th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- W W MATTHEWS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 36th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- W T HOLLIS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 37th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- HERBERT G SCHIFF, Sworn In For The Defendant, 38th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- JOEL C HUNTER, Sworn In For The Defendant, 39th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- C E POLLARD, Sworn In For The Defendant, 40th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS HATTIE HALL, Sworn In For The Defendant, 41st To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS CORINTHIA HALL, Sworn In For The Defendant, 42nd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS EMMA CLARKE FREEMAN, Sworn In For The Defendant, 43rd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS EULA MAY FLOWERS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 44th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS MAGNOLIA KENNEDY, Sworn In For The Defendant, 45th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- WADE CAMPBELL, Sworn In For The Defendant, 46th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- LEMMIE QUINN, Sworn In For The Defendant, 47th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- HARRY DENHAM, Sworn In For The Defendant, 48th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MINOLA MCKNIGHT C, Sworn In For The Defendant, 49th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- EMIL SELIG, Sworn In For The Defendant, 50th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS EMIL SELIG, Sworn In For The Defendant, 51st To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS HELEN KERNS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 52nd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS A P LEVY, Sworn In For The Defendant, 53rd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS M G MICHAEL, Sworn In For The Defendant, 54th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- JEROME MICHAEL, Sworn In For The Defendant, 55th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS HENNIE WOLFSHEIMER, Sworn In For The Defendant, 56th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- JULIAN LOEB, Sworn In For The Defendant, 57th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- COHEN LOEB, Sworn In For The Defendant, 58th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- H J HINCHEY, Sworn In For The Defendant, 59th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS REBECCA CARSON, Sworn In For The Defendant, 60th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS E M CARSON, Sworn In For The Defendant, 61st To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS MARY PIRK, Sworn In For The Defendant, 62nd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS IORA SMALL, Sworn In For The Defendant, 63rd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS JULIA FUSS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 64th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- EMMA BEARD C, Sworn In For The Defendant, 65th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- ANNIE HIXON C, Sworn In For The Defendant, 66th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- J C MATTHEWS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 67th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- ALONZO MANN, Sworn In For The Defendant, 68th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- M 0 NIX, Sworn In For The Defendant, 69th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- HARRY GOTTHEIMER, Sworn In For The Defendant, 70th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS RACHEL JACOBS FRANK, Sworn In For The Defendant, 71st To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- OSCAR PAPPENHEIMER, Sworn In For The Defendant, 72nd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- C F URSENBACH, Sworn In For The Defendant, 73rd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS C F URSENBACH, Sworn In For The Defendant, 74th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS ALEXANDER E MARCUS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 75th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS M MARCUS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 76th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- M J GOLDSTEIN, Sworn In For The Defendant, 77th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- I STRAUSS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 78th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- SIGMUND MONTAG, Sworn In For The Defendant, 79th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- TRUMAN MCCRARY, C, Sworn In For The Defendant, 80th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- D J NIX, Sworn In For The Defendant, 81st To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- FRANK PAYNE, Sworn In For The Defendant, 82nd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- PHILLIP CHAMBERS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 83rd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- GODFREY WEINKAUF, Sworn In For The Defendant, 84th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- CHARLIE LEE, Sworn In For The Defendant, 85th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- ARTHUR PRIDE COLORED, Sworn In For The Defendant, 86th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- DAISY HOPKINS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 87th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS LAURA ATKINSON, Sworn In For The Defendant, 88th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS MINNIE SMITH, Sworn In For The Defendant, 89th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- I M HAMILTON, Sworn In For The Defendant, 90th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- R L BAUER, Sworn In For The Defendant, 91st To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- GORDON BAILEY, C, Sworn In For The Defendant, 92nd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- HENRY SMITH, Sworn In For The Defendant, 93rd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MILTON KLEIN, Sworn In For The Defendant, 94th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- NATHAN COPLAN, Sworn In For The Defendant, 95th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- JOE STELKER, Sworn In For The Defendant, 96th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- HARLEE BRANCH, Sworn In For The Defendant, 97th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- JOHN M MINAR, Sworn In For The Defendant, 98th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- W D MCWORTH, Sworn In For The Defendant, 99th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- JOHN FINLEY, Sworn In For The Defendant, 100th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- A D GREENFIELD, Sworn In For The Defendant, 101st To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- DR WM OWENS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 102nd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- ISAAC HAAS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 103rd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- A N ANDERSON, Sworn In For The Defendant, 104th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- R P BUTLER, Sworn In For The Defendant, 105th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- I U KAUFFMAN, Sworn In For The Defendant, 106th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- J Q ADAMS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 107th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- T H WILLET, Sworn In For The Defendant, 108th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- C W BERNHARDT, Sworn In For The Defendant, 109th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- H M WOOD, Sworn In For The Defendant, 110th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- JULIUS A FISCHER, Sworn In For The Defendant, 111th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- J R LEACH, Sworn In For The Defendant, 112th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- K T THOMAS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 113th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- L M CASTRO, Sworn In For The Defendant, 114th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- DR THOMAS HANCOCK, Sworn In For The Defendant, 116th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- DR WILLIS F WESTMORELAND, Sworn In For The Defendant, 117th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- DR J C OLMSTEAD, Sworn In For The Defendant, 118th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- DR W S KENDRICK, Sworn In For The Defendant, 119th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- JOHN ASHLEY JONES, Sworn In For The Defendant, 120th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- DR LEROY CHILDS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 121st To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- ALFRED LORING LANE, Sworn In For The Defendant, 122nd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- PHILIP NASH, Sworn In For The Defendant, 123rd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- RICHARD A WRIGHT, Sworn In For The Defendant, 124th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- HARRY LEWIS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 125th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- HERBERT LASER, Sworn In For The Defendant, 126th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- JOHN W TODD, Sworn In For The Defendant, 127th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- PROF C D ALBERT, Sworn In For The Defendant, 128th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- PROF J E VANDERHOEF, Sworn In For The Defendant, 129th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- V H KRIEGSHABER, Sworn In For The Defendant, 130th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- M F GOLDSTEIN, Sworn In For The Defendant, 131st To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- DR DAVID MARX, Sworn In For The Defendant, 132nd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- ARTHUR HEYMAN, Sworn In For The Defendant, 133rd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS H GLOGOWSKI, Sworn In For The Defendant, 134th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS ADOLPH MONTAG, Sworn In For The Defendant, 135th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS J 0 PARMELEE, Sworn In For The Defendant, 136th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS IDA HAYS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 137th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS EULA MAY FLOWERS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 138th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS OPIE DICKERSON, Sworn In For The Defendant, 139th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS EMMA CLARK FREEMAN, Sworn In For The Defendant, 140th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS SARAH BARNES, Sworn In For The Defendant, 141st To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS IRENE JACKSON, Sworn In For The Defendant, 142nd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS BESSIE FLEMING, Sworn In For The Defendant, 143rd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS MATTIE THOMPSON, Sworn In For The Defendant, 144th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS IRENE CARSON, Sworn In For The Defendant, 145th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS J J WARDLAW, Sworn In For The Defendant, 146th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS EMILY MAYFIELD, Sworn In For The Defendant, 147th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISSES ANNIE OSBORNE, REBECCA CARSON, MAUDE WRIGHT, AND MRS ELLA THOMAS, Sworn In For The Defendant, Denotated As A Cluster Of People Who Testified Separately And Individually, 148th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- 8 PEOPLE, Sworn In For The Defendant From Misses Mollie Blair To Mrs Barnes, 149th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- 20 PEOPLE, Sworn In For The Defendant From Misses Corintha Hall To A. C. Holloway, 150th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- 39 PEOPLE, Sworn In For The Defendant From D I Macintyre To Nathan Coplan, 151st To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MRS M W CARSON, MARY PIRK, MRS DORA SMALL, MISS JULIA FUSS, R P BUTLER, JOE STELKER, Sworn In For The Defendant, 152nd To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- 7 PEOPLE, Sworn In For The State From J R Floyd To Lem Smith, 153rd To Testify they knew Daisy Hopkins; that her general character for truth and veracity was bad and that they would not believe her on oath. [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- J T HEARN, Sworn In For The State, 154th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- R V JOHNSON, Sworn In For The State, 155th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- 10 PEOPLE, Sworn In For The Defendant From Miss Myrtie Cato To Carrie Smith, 156th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS MAMIE KITCHENS, Sworn In For The State, 157th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- MISS RUTH ROBINSON, Sworn In For The State, 158th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- MISS DEWEY HEWELL, Sworn In For The State, 159th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- MISS MYRTICE CATO and MISS MAGGIE GRIFFIN, sworn in for the State, 160th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: February 11th, 2025]
- J E DUFFY, Sworn In For The State, 161st To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- W E TURNER, Sworn In For The State, 162nd To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- W P MERK, Sworn In For The State, 163rd To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- GEORGE GORDON, Sworn In For The State, 164th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- ALBERT MCKNIGHT, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 165th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- R L CRAVEN, Sworn In For The State, 166th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- D H PICKETT, Sworn In For The State, 167th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- DR S C BENEDICT, Sworn In For The State, 168th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- J H HENDRICKS, Sworn In For The State, 169th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- J C MCEWING, Sworn In For The State, 170th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- M E MCCOY, Sworn In For The State, 171st To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- GEORGE KENDLEY, Sworn In For The State, 172nd To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- HENRY HOFFMAN, Sworn In For The State, 173rd To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- N KELLY, Sworn In For The State, 174th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- W B OWENS, Sworn In For The State, 175th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- LOUIS INGRAM, Sworn In For The State, 176th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- W M MATTHEWS, Sworn In For The State, 177th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- W C DOBBS, Sworn In For The State, 178th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- W W ROGERS, Sworn In For The State, 179th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- SERGEANT L S DOBBS, Sworn In For The State, 180th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- TILLANDER, Sworn In For The State, 181st To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- E K GRAHAM, Sworn In For The State, 182nd To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- J W COLEMAN, Sworn In For The State, 183rd To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- J M GANTT, Sworn In For The State, 184th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- IVY JONES, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 185th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- HARRY SCOTT, Sworn In For The State, 186th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- L T KENDRICK, Sworn In For The State, 187th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- VERA EPPS, Sworn In For The State, 188th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- C J MAYNARD, Sworn In For The State, 189th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- W T HOLLIS, Sworn In For The State, 190th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- J D REED, Sworn In For The State, 191st To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- J N STARNES, Sworn In For The State, 192nd To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- DR CLARENCE JOHNSON, Sworn In For The State, 193rd To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- DR GEORGE M NILES, Sworn In For The State, 194th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- DR JOHN FUNK, Sworn In For The State, 195th To Testify [Last Updated On: February 12th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2025]
- T Y BRENT, Sworn In For The Defendant, 196th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- M E STAHL, Sworn In For The Defendant, 197th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- MISS C S HAAS, Sworn In For The Defendant, 198th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- N SINKOVITZ, Sworn In For The Defendant, 199th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- S L ASHER, Sworn In For The Defendant, 200th To Testify [Last Updated On: March 11th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Monday, August 18, 1913: Unsworn, Oral Statement of Leo M. Frank in the Fulton County Superior Court, Atlanta, Georgia [Last Updated On: February 13th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 23rd, 2025]
- Thursday, August 21st, 1913: Additional Unsworn Statement made at Court by Leo M. Frank to the Jury, Temporary Fulton County Superior Court, Atlanta, Georgia. [Last Updated On: February 13th, 2025] [Originally Added On: January 23rd, 2025]