R P BUTLER, Sworn In For The Defendant, 105th To Testify

Reading Time: 2 minutes [194 words]

R. P. BUTLER, sworn for the Defendant.

I am the shipping clerk of the Pencil Company.

I am familiar with the doors leading into the metal room.

They are wooden doors, with glass windows.

There is no trouble looking through these windows into the metal room, even when the doors are closed.

The glass in the door is about fifteen inches by eighteen inches.

Any one of ordinary height can see through them easily.


The doors are six feet wide together.

The passageway from the elevator back to the metal room is ten feet wide with the exception of that part where we have some boxes piled up, where it is about six feet wide.

The boxes go to the ceiling on the one side.

It is not particularly dark there.

I measured the width of the metal room doors.

They were six feet wide exactly from jam to jam.

The doors are usually open.

If any one came up the stair case and turned to the office, they could see through the metal room doors.

The floors of the metal room are very dirty.

I don't know if the windows are clean, but you can see through them.

R P BUTLER, Sworn In For The Defendant, 105th To Testify

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