A D GREENFIELD, Sworn In For The Defendant, 101st To Testify

Reading Time: < 1 minute [150 words]

A. D. GREENFIELD, sworn for the Defendant.

I am one of the owners of the building occupied by the Pencil Company on Forsyth Street.

I have owned it since 1900.

When we bought the building it was occupied by Montag Bros.

They used it as a manufacturing plant.

The Clarke Woodenware Company sub-leased part of the first floor from Montag Bros.

They used the front door on Montag Bros. in going in there.

We have not put in any new floor on the second story of the building.

I have known Mr. Frank four or five years.

His character is good.


I have come in contact with Mr. Frank in business and I have heard my associates talk about him.

I have seen him twenty or thirty times during the past five years.

I have not contributed anything to any fund for his defense.

I have not heard of any such fund.

A D GREENFIELD, Sworn In For The Defendant, 101st To Testify

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