R M LASSITER, Sworn In For The State, 25th To Testify

Reading Time: < 1 minute [137 words]

R. M. LASSITER, sworn for the State.

I am a city policeman. On Sunday morning, April 27th, I found a

parasol in the bottom of the elevator shaft. It was lying about the center

of the shaft. I also found a ball of rope twine, small wrapping twine,

and also something that looked like a person's stool.


I noticed evidence of dragging from the elevator in the basement.

As I passed the rear door at 12 o'clock, the door was closed. The umbrella

was not crushed. I found it between 6 and 7 o'clock in the morning.

The elevator comes down there and hits the ground plump at the

bottom of the basement.


I don't know whether the elevator shaft has a cement bottom or not.

There is a whole lot of trash at the bottom.

R M LASSITER, Sworn In For The State, 25th To Testify

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