Sunday, 18th May 1913 Phagan Theory is Unchanged After Three Weeks’ Probe
Monday, 19th May 1913 Burns Investigator Outlines His Theory of Phagan Murder
Tuesday, 20th May 1913 Phagan Case Goes to the Grand Jury in Present Form
Wednesday, 21st May 1913 Finger Print Expert Works With Dorsey to Solve Mystery
Thursday, 22nd May 1913 Phagan Case Will Go to Grand Jury at 10 A. M. Friday
Friday, 23rd May 1913 Dictograph Set by Detectives to Trap Col. Thos. B. Felder; Here is the Dictograph Record
Friday, 23rd May 1913 Col. Felder Denies Offering $1,000 or Any Other Sum for Affidavit Held by Detectives
Friday, 23rd May 1913 Febuary and Colyar Swear That Felder Offered Big Bribe
Friday, 23rd May 1913 Here is Coleman Affidavit Which Officers Say Col. Felder Offered to Purchase for the Sum of $1,000
Friday, 23rd May 1913 How Dictograph Was Installed in Williams House No. 2 to Trap Colonel Thomas B. Felder