Sunday, 31st August 1913 Monument To Mary Phagan Proposed

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The Atlanta Journal,

Sunday, 31st August 1913.


Cohutta Pastor Starts Subscription to Erect Statue

of Dead Girl

(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)

DALTON, Ga., Aug. 20 Calling upon the women of the state, with the cooperation of the churches, to "let a system of work be instituted that will culminate in a monument to little Mary Phagan," Rev. J. C. Parrot, of Cohutta, addressed a communication to the Dalton Citizen, saying:

"Here is a dollar for the erection of a monument to Mary Phagan, the little factory girl who recently laid down her life for her honor. Most of the monuments that I have ever seen have been erected to blood men who have been heroes in war, have made wives widows and children orphans men who have drenched the land with blood and filled the home with loneliness and tears."

"In the town of Marietta there rests the mangled body of a little working girl a heroine that, to my mind, outshines them all."

In calling upon the ladies and the churches, he urges "not a mean shaft, but a fitting statue of the martyred child reclining in the agonies of death."

Sunday, 31st August 1913 Monument To Mary Phagan Proposed

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