Monday, 28th July 1913 No New Testimony Will Be Given to Jury by Newt Lee

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Atlanta Journal
July 28th, 1913

Negro Nightwatchman Says He Doesn't Know Conley, the Sweeper—Merely Will Repeat Story of Finding Body

Newt Lee's testimony to the jury, before which Leo M. Frank is to be tried, will repeat his statements to the police. He will add nothing new, and will give no testimony involving Conley, the negro sweeper.

To the jury, as to the police, Newt Lee will describe merely how he found the body of the murdered child in the cellar of the pencil factory, and afterward told the police of his discovery.

As he waited at the court house with other witnesses Monday morning, he said that Conley, the sweeper is unknown to him, and that he has told all that he can tell.

But he was more interested in his tastes of liberty, his first opportunity within the last two months of breathing [t]he open air, then he was in the approaching trial.

While being brought from the Tower to the court, he asked the privilege of stopping to look at the heavens, as he put it, and to breathe the fresh air.

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