Thursday, 29th May 1913 Chief Asks Hutcheson for Protected List

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Atlanta Journal

Thursday, May 29th, 1913

Lawyer Not Ready Yet, Is Answer—Beavers Says He Is Disappointed

Chief of Police James L. Beavers called Attorney Carl Hutcheson over the telephone Thursday morning and asked if the list of "protected disorderly houses," which Mr. Hutcheson promised in a card several days ago was ready.

Mr. Hutcheson is said to have replied that the list is not yet ready and that he will telephone the police official when it is completed.

Chief Beavers in the telephone conversation is said to have reminded Mr. Hutcheson that Thursday is the third day since the publication of Mr. Hutcheson's card stating that the list could be furnished in three days.

Chief Beavers is said to have declared in the telephone conversation that he had hoped to receive the list of disorderly houses in his morning mail, and was very much disappointed in not finding it.

The chief told Mr. Hutcheson that if the latter had the list in his office that he (Beavers) would be glad to send a call officer for it, as he is very anxious to get the information.

Mr. Hutcheson told the police official, it is said, that he would telephone him when the list is complete.

In the course of the conversation Chief Beavers said that he wanted the list in tangible shape; names of persons operating the houses, street numbers, etc., and he asked Mr. Hutcheson to sign the list.

Mr. Hutcheson answered that he didn't propose to have any one dictate to him as to how or when he should get up the list, and that he intended to use his own judgment in making it up and submitting it.

* * *

Atlanta Journal, May 29th 1913, "Chief Asks Hutcheson for ‘Protected List,'" Leo Frank case newspaper article series

, May 29th 1913, "Chief Asks Hutcheson for ‘Protected List,'" Leo Frank case newspaper article series

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