Monday, 28th April 1913 “God’s Vengeance Will Strike Brute Who Killed Her,” Says Grandfather of Mary Phagan

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God's Vengeance Will Strike Brute

Atlanta Journal

Monday, April 28th, 1913

Calling upon God Almighty to visit speedy vengeance upon the murderer or murderers of his fourteen-year-old granddaughter, Mary Phagan, whose mutilated body was discovered Sunday morning in the basement of the National Pencil company's factory on Forsyth street, W. J. Phagan, an elderly citizen of Marietta, declares that he will never rest until the fiend or fiends are brought to justice.

The old man almost collapsed when he learned of the awful crime, and he sobbed piteously as he prayed for divine aid in clearing up the mystery surrounding the murder of the girl.

"The living God will see to it that the brute is found and punished according to his sin," declared Mr. Phagan. "I hope the murderer will be dealt with as he has dealt with that tender and innocent child. I hope that he suffers anguish and remorse in the same measure that she suffered pain and shame. No punishment is too great for him. Hanging cannot atone for the crime he has committed and the suffering he has caused both to his victim and her relatives."

Mr. Phagan was so overcome that he had to take to his bed, but he declared that he would attend the inquest over the remains of his granddaughter Monday morning. However, his condition was such during the early morning that his relatives feared he would not be strong enough to make the trip to Atlanta and face the ordeal of the inquest.

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Atlanta Journal, April 28th 1913, "God's Vengeance Will Strike Brute Who Killed Her,' Says Grandfather of Mary Phagan," Leo Frank case newspaper article series


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