Wednesday, 17th September 1913 Say Partee Shot In Self-defense

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The Atlanta Georgian,

Wednesday, 17th September 1913.


Witnesses Tell Grand Jury Jack-

Son Killing Was Justified No

Bill' Asked for Newt Lee.

That W. D. Partee, a locomotive engineer, who on July 28 shot and killed Samuel Jackson, another engineer, in the yards of the Georgia Railroad, acted in self-defense was the testimony given before the Fulton County Grand Jury when it met Tuesday morning.

J. W. Hix, of Etowah, Tenn., an eyewitness to the shooting, testified that Jackson cursed Partee and then attacked him before the latter drew his weapon and fired the fatal bullet. Other witnesses were J. F. Jordan and R. H. Morris.

Partee has been out on bond. His attorneys seek to have a "no bill" returned by the Grand Jury.

Attorneys for Newt lee, the Frank trial witness and one-time suspect in the investigation of the slaying of Mary Phagan, appeared before the Grand Jury at the morning hearing to ask that a "no bill" be returned in the negro's favor that he might be cleared entirely.

Wednesday, 17th September 1913 Say Partee Shot In Self-defense

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