Monday, 7th July 1913 Operations of Slavers in Hotels Bared

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The Atlanta Georgian

Monday, July 7, 1913

Victim Tells Beavers Names of Women and Man Engaged in Traffic in Girls.

A new and sensational expose of vice conditions said to be prevalent in Atlanta was made Monday morning by Hattie Smith, a pretty 17-year-old girl, who was arrested in a hotel which was raided Sunday night.

If the statements of the Smith girl, who made a confession of her own guilt to the Chief, are true, Atlanta is in the clutches of one of the best organized vice systems in existence.

Certain downtown hotels, the girl claims, are the rendezvous of women procurers who go out on the streets and entice young girls in where they are provided with every comfort and convenience, in addition to being carried out on long automobile rides by strange men.

Gives Chief Names.

The names of at least one of these procurers has been placed in the hands of Chief Beavers, who will make an arrest before night, it is believed. The name of a prominent citizen of Atlanta also has been given to the Chief, in addition to the names of several women involved in the traffic, it is said.

Hattie Smith's story Monday morning was dramatic in the extreme. She told Chief Beavers how she left her home last Wednesday; how she met the woman procurer; how she was enticed into the hotel in question, and then the other details of her shame. Her confession was complete.

She admitted her guilt and then upon the query of the Chief told all she knew about the conditions, which, she says, she saw with her own eyes.

Tells Who Enticed Her.

In the course of the conversation the girl gave the Chief the names of several parties, including one or more prominent men in Atlanta, in addition to the name of the woman who enticed her to the hotel.

The arrest of a negro elevator boy in a downtown hotel shortly after noon was the first step taken by Chief Beavers in the new probe. The boy is believed to have knowledge of many of the denizens of the vice ring.

Additional information was furnished the police chief by the Rev. Hugh Wallace, of the Jones Avenue Baptist Church, who called at the police station following publication of the new charges.

A number of downtown hotels are said to be booked for the police dragnet.

Mrs. T. R. Frierson and C. N. Hughes, victims of the vice crusade Sunday night, were bound over under $200 bond each by Recorder Broyles Monday afternoon.

Mrs. William Jones, of 168 South Boulevard, who operates the house where the parties were arrested, was bound over under $500 bond on a charge of running a disorderly house. A third victim of the raid was C. R. Hutchinson, who was fined $10.

Mrs. Frierson is well known in Atlanta as the woman who was pardoned some time ago by Mayor Woodward. She says her home is in Jacksonville.

* * *

The Atlanta Georgian, July 7th 1913, "Operations of Slavers in Hotels Bared," Leo Frank case newspaper article series

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