Sunday, 18th May 1913 Greeks Add to Fund to Solve Phagan Case

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Greeks Add to Fund

Atlanta Georgian

Sunday, May 18th, 1913

No people in Atlanta have been more anxious than the Greeks to see the murderer of little Mary Phagan brought to justice. A letter received by Colonel Thomas B. Felder yesterday enclosed a check for $25 from the Greek community to be added to the Burns fund, and carried with it a fervent wish that the mystery be cleared.

The letter follows:

I beg to enclose check for twenty-five dollars, which represents the proceeds of a spontaneous contribution of the members of the Greek Community, to the "Burns Fund."

The Greeks of Atlanta wish to see the mystery surrounding the tragic death of Mary Phagan solved and the reputation of their good city of Atlanta untarnished.

It was signed by Demetri Vafiadl, Consul of Greece.

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Atlanta Georgian, May 18th 1913, "Greeks Add to Fund to Solve Phagan Case," Leo Frank case newspaper article series


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