Thursday, 8th May 1913 Girl Employe on Fourth Floor of Factory Saturday

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Girl Employe on Fourth Floor

Atlanta Georgian

Thursday, May 8th, 1913

Miss Corinthia Hall, one of the employees at the National Pencil factory, was a witness. She lives near Kirkwood, at 19 Weatherby Street, and has worked at the factory for three years. She knew Mary Phagan.

Miss Hall was at the factory at 11:45 Saturday, April 26. She went to get another girl's coat. She went to the fourth floor and stopped in at the office and asked Mr. Frank if she could go to the fourth floor. She was accompanied by a young woman who had recently married and whose coat they were after. They saw a woman on the fourth floor. It was May Barrett. They also saw a young woman stenographer in Frank's office, and Arthur White's wife in the office. White was on the fourth floor with Harry Denham and Miss Barrett.

Q. Did you see any sacks on fourth floor?—A. No.

Q. What was Miss Barrett doing?—A. She was talking to Arthur White.

Q. Does she work on that floor?—A. Yes.

Q. Did you speak to her?—A. No. I was in a hurry.

Q. You are sure you did not see her with any sacks?—A. Yes.

Q. Do you know A. P. Hayes?—A. I know one Mr. Hayes.

Q. Did you tell him you had seen May Barrett on the fourth floor with some sacks, and when you asked her what she was going to do with them that she looked confused?—A. No.

Q. Where did you go when you left the office?—A. I went to Alabama and Forsyth Streets and used a telephone; then went to the Busy Bee Café at Hunter and Forsyth and got a cup of coffee and a sandwich.

Q. How long were you there?—A. I can't remember exactly.

Q. Did any of the factory employees come in while you were there?—A. Lemmie Quinn.

Q. What time was it when he came in?—A. About 12:30.

Q. What time was it when you left the factory?—A. Quarter to 12. I looked at the clock when I came down.

Q. Were you eating when Quinn came in?—A. No; we were waiting while a waiter went out to get a five dollar bill changed.

Q. Did Quinn make any change for you?—A. Yes, he gave me some paper money for some silver.

Q. How long did Quinn remain there?—A. Just a minute or two.

Q. Where did he go after you left the restaurant?—A. We left him talking to some men on the sidewalk.

Q. Did you see Mary Phagan that day?—A. No.

Q. Did you see any other employees that day?—A. We met Mr. Holloway coming away from the factory and he told us Mr. Frank was there and would let us in to get the coat.

Q. Did Mr. Frank know Mary Phagan?—A. Not that I know of.

Q. Did he show any familiarity with any of the girls there?—A. No.

* * *

Atlanta Georgian, May 8th 1913, "Girl Employe on Fourth Floor of Factory on Saturday," Leo Frank case newspaper article series


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