Tuesday, 29th April 1913 Keeper of Rooming House Enters Case

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Keeper of Rooming House Enters Case

Atlanta Georgian

Tuesday, April 29th, 1913

J. W. Phillips Thinks Couple Who Asked for Room May Have Been Gantt and Girl.

Was the young woman who, in company with a young man, applied to John W. Phillips, keeper of a rooming house at Forsyth and Hunter Streets at about 11 o'clock Saturday night for a room, Mary Phagan, the little girl who was found murdered the following morning? And was Gantt the man with her?

Phillips was not positive to-day.

He saw the young woman in the morgue at Bloomfield's undertaking establishment, and it is understood he positively identified her to city detectives and the County Solicitor. She looked very much like the young woman, he said, but he would not make the positive statement to a reporter to-day.

He went to [the] police station this morning to see Gantt and declared the prisoner looked much like the man who applied to him for a room.

* * *

Atlanta Georgian, April 29th 1913, "Keeper of Rooming House Enters Case," Leo Frank case newspaper article series

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