Monday, 28th April 1913 Incoherent Notes Add to Mystery in Strangling Case

Reading Time: 2 minutes [153 words]


Incoherent Notes Add to Mystery in Strangling Case

Atlanta Georgian

Monday, April 28th, 1913

Two mysterious notes—incoherent, misspelled and unintelligible—were found in the cellar of death;

Were they written by the girl as she lay in delirium just before the end came, or

Were they written by her slayer to throw the police off the track and turn suspicion towards a negro?

Here they are:

"He said he wood love me laid down like the night witch did it but that long tall black negro did by his sleb."

"mama that negro hired down here did this I went to get water and he pushed me down this hole a long tall negro black that has it woke long lean tall negro I write while play with me."

-End of Newspaper clipping transcribed


Original Newspaper in Portable Document Format:

Atlanta Georgian, April 28th 1913, "Incoherent Notes Add to Mystery in Strangling Case," Leo Frank case newspaper article series


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