Saturday, 7th February 1914: Decision Is Expected In Frank Case Today, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,

Saturday, 7th February 1914,


No Announcement Made by Court, But That Is the General Belief.

It is regarded as not improbable that the decision of the supreme court in the Leo M. Frank case will be handed down today.

When the clerk of the supreme court arrived at his office in the capitol building Thursday morning early he found a battalion of newspaper reporters assembled awaiting the handing down of the court's decision in the case.

All day long the newspaper men stayed on the job, but no decision was forthcoming.

It could be ascertained definitely given that the supreme court is working now on that decision.

But there is an easily recognized stir of expectancy and suppressed excitement among the officials of the statehouse as well as among all visitors on capitol hill.

The court entered into its Febuary consultations last Monday, but as yet not a single decision has been handed down.

This is extremely unusual, if not unprecedented.

It is almost invariably the rule that when the supreme court goes into consultation on the second Monday of each month Tuesday finds at least one if not several decisions announced.

The judges of the supreme court will not discuss the nature of the case they have under consultation, but it is the surmise of those in closest touch with the court that the Frank decision is occupying their attention.

Saturday, 7th February 1914: Decision Is Expected In Frank Case Today, The Atlanta Constitution

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