Sunday, 30th November 1913: Colyar Arrested On Cheat Charges, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,

Sunday, 30th November 1913,


Lawyer Held

by Local De-

tectives to Answer War-

rant Sworn

Out for Him in

Rome, Ga.

A. S. Colyar, principal figure in

the famous dictagraph case during the Mary Phagan murder investigation, was

arrested by detectives yesterday on a warrant sworn out in Rome, Ga., charging

cheating and swindling.

He was carried to police headquarters

to await the arrival of Rome officials. He denies the charge emphatically, and

declares that he will be promptly freed and cleared. The exact circumstances

are not known. The warrant was issued for H. J. Awtry, it is said, whose home

is in Rome.

Chief Lanford stated to a Constitution

reporter last night shortly after Colyars detainment that the prisoner had

told him that he had committed nothing illegal in Rome, and that his only

transaction in that city was the legitimate collection of a lawyers fee.

Sunday, 30th November 1913: Colyar Arrested On Cheat Charges, The Atlanta Constitution

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