Monday, 24th November 1913: Burlesque Houses Willing For Chief To Act As Censor, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,

Monday, 24th November 1913,


Alleged burlesque naughtiness is

being probed in Atlanta. Chief Beavers, one of his trusty men and Recorder Nash

Broyles have shouldered muskets in the war against rumored conditions in low-priced

Vaudeville and burlesque theaters in the city. The first skirmish in the battle

to end theatrical vulgarity and the appearances of young girls on local stages

has already been fought. The big battle will probably be fought this week in

police court.

Plans of the campaign were made known

last night by Chief of Police Beavers. The head of the police force

acknowledged that for some time past his aides have been reconnoitering the

position of the managers conducting the cheap vaudeville and burlesque theaters

of the city. He intimated that action could be expected during the present


Monday, 24th November 1913: Burlesque Houses Willing For Chief To Act As Censor, The Atlanta Constitution

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