Wednesday, 5th November 1913: Highwaymen Given Limit Of The Law, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,

Wednesday, 5th November 1913,


Judge Ben H. Hill Tries One

Dozen Cases Second Day

of Sitting.

The second days session of the

criminal branch of the superior court, with Judge Ben Hill on the bench, saw

the completion of a dozen cases before adjournment Tuesday.

Judge Hill, whose leniency was noted on

Monday towards prisoners at the bar, reversed his attitude on Tuesday and in

two instances inflicted the full penalty of the law where highwaymen were

brought before him.

I do not believe in any plea that a

man could make excusing his acts when he is caught red-handed, so to speak,

robbing a citizen of this community.

We must take active steps at once to

put an end these numerous holdups that are occurring every day in this county.

I believe the most effective way of ending it is to make examples of the guilty

men brought before me and I shall give the limit to men convicted of the

highway robbery charge in this court.

Bearing out his assertion Judge Hill then

sentenced Sam Reed and Oscar Wright, two negroes, to twenty years each in the


The negroes were found guilty of

robbing and assaulting Attorney Frank Hooper in Piedmont avenue, on June 2.

Mr. Hooper, on the witness stand, told

a dramatic story of the attack, declaring that the negroes beat him down with

brass knucks, and tore his watch from its chain, leaving him all but

unconscious on the ground.


Court of Appeals of Georgia.

Argued and Submitted.

H. M. Atkinson et al., receivers, v.

Caroline Yarbrough from Ben Hill.

John Johnson v. Georgia Fertilizer and

Oil company, from Appling.

L. B. Smith v. Hilton & Dodge

Lumber company, from Laurens.

W. D. Joiner, administrator, v.

Carisbad Manufacturing company, from Berrien.

W. D. Joiner, administrator, v. Wilbur

& Son, from Berrien.

W. D. Joiner, administrator, v.

Dougherty-Ward-Little company, from Berrien.

B. F. Barton v. J. F. Thompson, from Ben


A. L. Clark v. Georgia Fertilizer

Works, from Laurense.

H. H. Smith v. R. A. Watson, from


Beverly Ambrose v. R. M. Barber, from


City of Bainbridge v. G. O. Smith, from


A. B. Roberson v. E. A. Martin, from


J. B. Hechot v. W. D. White, from


J. W. Scarborough v. John, Yarborough,

from Ben Hill.

Bank of Blakely v. W. A. Buchannon,

from Early.

Western Union Telegraph company v. B.

D. Watson and vice versa, from Greene.


J. Johnson et al. v. Knights of Pythias, etc., from Chatham.


Railway and Light company v. Mrs. W. S. Lansdell, from Floyd.


Dean v. John Dean, administrator, from Decatur.


G. Ware, for use, etc., v. J. D. Chason, from Decatur.


C. A. Rowell v. Southern Railway company, from Bleckley.


Planning Mill company v. Thedore Titus, from Thomas.

Gus Eberhardt v. Federal

Insurance company, from Chatham.

Wednesday, 5th November 1913: Highwaymen Given Limit Of The Law, The Atlanta Constitution

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