Thursday, 14th August 1913 Former Office Boy Saw No Women With Frank on Thanksgiving Day

Reading Time: 2 minutes [242 words]

Atlanta Constitution
August 14th, 1913

Frank Paine, formerly an office boy for the National Pencil company and who claims to have been working there on Thanksgiving day of last year, was placed on the stand following the introduction of the three character witnesses.

The lad stated that he and Herbert G. Schiff were at the factory on the morning of Thanksgiving day, and that Schiff sent him to the top floor to help Jim Conley straighten out some boxes, which were cluttered around there. He declared that Conley left about 10:20 and then he left at 11 o'clock or thereabouts.

That he did not see Conley in the hallway when he left was another statement made by the lad who further declared that he had never known Frank to have women in his office or to have liquor there.

"Did you spend your time in the office?" Attorney Frank Hooper asked on cross-examination.


"Was Schiff in the office all the time?"
"Did you ever see any beer bottles in there?"

"Was Frank in there on Thanksgiving day?"

"Did you see Jim Conley there?"


"When did you first notice Jim?"
"When he was sweeping."
"When you left at 11 o'clock, you didn't come back, did you?"

"You don't know whether Jim was in the basement?"

The lad was then excused.

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, August 14th 1913, "Former Office Boy Saw No Women With Frank on Thanksgiving Day," Leo Frank case newspaper article series

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