Friday, 8th August 1913 Dr. Frank Eskridge Aiding Prosecution

Reading Time: 1 minute [140 words]

Atlanta Constitution
August 8th, 1913

Dr. R. T. Dorsey Also Comes to Assistance of Solicitor in the Frank Case

Dr. Frank L. Eskridge, a well-known physician, is assisting Solicitor General Dorsey in the solicitor's examination of expert chemists and medical men and in cross-examinations of experts presented by the defense.

Dr. Eskridge is widely versed in various branches of medicine, chemistry and surgery, and has proved an invaluable aid to the solicitor, especially in the examination of Dr. Roy Harris.

In the cross-examination of Dr. Leroy Childs, in the afternoon session Thursday, the solicitor was valuably assisted by his brother, Dr. R. T. Dorsey, a prominent figure in local medical circles. Dr. Dorsey's assistance proved decisively effective in rebutting the expert's testimony.

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Atlanta Constitution, August 8th 1913, "Dr. Frank Eskridge Aiding Prosecution," Leo Frank case newspaper article series

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