Saturday, 2nd August 1913 Stenographer Parry Identifies Notes Taken at Phagan Inquest

Reading Time: 2 minutes [178 words]

Atlanta Constitution
August 2nd, 1913

Stenographer Parry, the official court stenographer, was next called to the stand to identify a number of notes he took at the coroner's inquest held in police headquarters shortly after Frank's arrest.

He was asked by Solicitor Dorsey:

"Did you report the coroner's inquest over the body of Mary Phagan?"


"Did you take a statement from Leo Frank?"

The solicitor showed the stenographer's notes.

"Is that your report?"

"Is it correct?"
"It is correct to the best of my ability."
"You are an expert?"
"I am a man of twenty-five years' experience."
Attorney Rosser took the examination:

"Look at Lee's testimony. Did you take it down correctly?"
"To the best of my ability."
"I don't want to know your ability. I want to know if it was correct. Are you prepared to say whatever you took down is correct or not?"
"In the proper acceptation of the term it is correct."
He then identified an amount of Lee's testimony.

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, August 2nd 1913, "Stenographer Parry Identifies Notes Taken at Phagan Inquest," Leo Frank case newspaper article series

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