Friday, 16th May 1913 Constitution Starts Fund to Bring Burns Here to Solve the Mary Phagan Murder Mystery

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Constitution Starts Fund to

Atlanta Constitution

Friday, May 16th, 1913

By all means employ William J. Burns to solve the Mary Phagan murder mystery!

It will cost several thousand dollars to get the world-famous detective to come to Atlanta, and The Constitution herewith starts the subscription with $100.

As soon as Homer George, manager of the Atlanta theater, learned of the subscription he subscribed $10.

Never in the history of Atlanta has there been such an insistent demand that a murderer or murderers be apprehended. For days and weeks the Phagan murder has been the sole topic of conversation.

Now that the subscription has been actually started hundreds will doubtless be glad to help swell the fund.

The Constitution will gladly acknowledge all subscriptions and turn them over to Colonel Thomas B. Felder, who has been retained by the citizens of Bellwood and vicinity to aid in the prosecution of the murderer of the little girl whose lifeless body was found in the basement of the National Pencil factory over three weeks ago.

The people of Atlanta are far from satisfied that the Phagan murder mystery has been cleared up. They feel that the guilt of the murderer should be fixed beyond all fear of disproval.

The mystery is one that has baffled the best detectives in the city. To solve it a master mind like that of William J. Burns is needed. If he should fail—and he has never failed in the solution of a case he has undertaken—the public will be satisfied that the perpetrator of the crime will never be known.

Scarcely had Colonel Felder's request for a public subscription been made public than Joseph Hirsch, former alderman, for years chairman of the Grady Hospital board and former member of the board of education, communicated with Colonel Felder and informed him that he would contribute a substantial amount to the fund. Other prominent citizens likewise made known their intention of contributing. Colonel Felder will contribute his fee toward paying for the services of the world-famous detective.

There would seem to be little doubt that Burns will come to Atlanta. Your subscription will aid in the assurance.

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, May 16th 1913, "Constitution Starts Fund to Bring Burns Here to Solve the Mary Phagan Murder Mystery," Leo Frank case newspaper article series


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