Thursday, 1st May 1913 Has a New Explanation

Reading Time: 3 minutes [325 words]

Has a New Explanation

Atlanta Constitution

Thursday, May 1st, 1913

A letter to the editor of the Atlanta Constitution

Editor Constitution: I notice with interest the reward your most worthy paper, is offering for the brutal murderer of Mary Phagan. To say words of praise for you would only be adding to what many others have said, and it would only be another testimonial of your love for your city and state, which you have always shown, and which you show now in trying to avenge the death of this pure girl. I truly hope the murderer will be caught and convicted, and in that way we can help to wipe the statin from our state as much as is now possible. But, what about the future?

The cause of this brutal murder is whisky; the murderer formed his hellish plot while under the influence of whisky. Plead as much as they wish for a clean city, until you rise in your might, and crush this liquor evil from the state, never will your city be free from the black crimes that disgrace Georgia. Whisky and alcohol are the root and foundation of 90 per cent of all crime. Some years ago we banished the open saloon, where only a man could drink; but as a substitute you have the saloon that is open, and not looked down upon, where mere children can be seen, where pure girls of tender years can be carried for suppers, and drink. There is the cabaret on your streets to lure the unsuspecting.

Write one more editorial. Indorse your offer of reward with a plea for a cleaning up of the places that ruin, that operate on Sundays when the picture shows have to close, that go on all day when the church can only run an hour.


Albany, Georgia, April 29, 1913

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Atlanta Constitution, May 1st 1913, "Has a New Explanation," Leo Frank case newspaper article series

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